A book signing in Montréal is happening

gluten free ricotta gnocchi recipe Sicily Casa vecchie

Ricotta Gnocchi with Sage-Flavored Brown Butter

Oh le rythme de la vie these days…my reality…

These days, it could be summarized in just a few words. I am busy.

So busy that, in fact, I am not able to find the time to write. I miss it terribly. I so much want to be able to chat and share recipes, stories and pictures.

I know when I am back, I will tell you about these ricotta gnocchi Fabrizia taught us to make in Sicily–and that I’ve not stopped cooking since I came back. I will tell you about the Sicilian foods and desserts we ate, the landscapes we saw, the markets we visited– and above all, the fabulous people I was lucky to spend a week with.

I made real friends.

I will also tell you about gardening. Spring. And about how much fun I am having with my girl in the kitchen right now. Lulu is such a bundle of joy! I am so lucky to spend this time with her.

Being three is so refreshing.

On Thursday, we are taking her to Montréal again. To spend time with friends. But also to continue to share words about my book.

My book, you know, is doing so well! I am really lucky with it.

Right as I am typing, it is going through its first reprint. My words are not expressing how proud that makes me feel. Of course, none of this would be possible without you. Alors merci to you all who have supported it.

And so in Montréal and on Friday April 20th (yes this Friday), I will be doing a book signing at Indigo Bookstore rue Ste Catherine. The event starts at 7 PM , and I really can’t wait. To be in this fabulous space and meet fellow Canadian friends. If you live in the area, come to say hello. It looks like I am receiving a fair amount of love from Canada right now. As seen here and here. Merci !

After that, I will be back home. Will write about Sicily. These light like-a-puff-of-air ricotta gnocchi. And then onto other pieces of exciting news that occurred in NYC two weeks ago…

That makes me a busy Béa.

Many thanks for being here.

And so now, will I see you on Friday?

La Tartine Gourmande Recipes for an Inspired Life
A book signing at Chapters Indigo bookstore
1171 Ste-Catherine ouest
Friday April 20th at 7 PM.

And oh, before I forget, I should add that I really enjoyed writing this short post. Made me feel connected again.


  1. Rohlalala ! Je suis si contente que tu viennes à Montréal pour la dédicace et MILLE fois bravo pour la réimpression du livre ! C’est amplement mérité… et aussi, tu me fais culpabiliser avec tes gnocchis… j’ai promis à une amie de partager ma recette (avec de la ricotta aussi) sur mon blog il y a plus d’un an… et toujours rien ! (tu disais quoi en intro de ton billet ? Ah oui, le rythme de la vie !) 😉

  2. Oh, j’aimerais bien etre la! Mais c’est en plein dans mes examens … 🙁

  3. je me rappelle encore quand j’ai reçu votre livre, très peu de temps avant de rentrer en France et je n’arrête pas de plonger le nez dedans!
    Vous avez vraiment de quoi être fière et je suis heureuse de voir que vos lecteurs sont bien au rendez-vous!
    Très joli et subtil busy bea/busy Béa 😉
    Bonne semaine et surtout, bon vendredi 🙂

  4. Je suis tellement déçue d’avoir des plans ce vendredi! j’aurais tant aimé pouvoir aller te rencontrer à Montréal!…. Zut, vraiment!

  5. This is so fantastic, but I am in Ottawa for 9 months 🙁
    Congratulations on the reprint and I hope you have a fabulous time in Montreal! I hope you have nice weather this weekend so you can really enjoy the city.

  6. Congratulations! Ottawa is just a tad to far to drive and get my book signed. All the lovely publicity you are getting, you deserve all of it.

  7. I am in love with your book! Stumbled across it a few weeks ago and since then it has remained open on my counter as I try to find the time to make everything! Congratulations and best of luck!!! 😉

  8. Chere Bea, on se connait pas mais je suis ton blog depuis longtemps. j’y serai et je suis tres contente que tu viennes a Montreal! J’aurais aussi quelques questions que ton livre m’a suscite… Felicitations pour ton livre et le succes qui est en train d’avoir!

  9. Congratulations on the first reprint. All the best to you re your tour in Montreal. Looking forward to hearing about Sicily and NYC,

  10. Friday April 20th will be a happy day for me too!
    Your book will come with post on Friday. I can’ t wait.
    Glad to find your blog! It’ s soo nice!

  11. What a darling post…That ricotta gnocchi looks mouthwatering!! Lovely pictures.. Congratulations on the well earned success of your book!

  12. Felicitations for the reprint! Ce livre est tellement beau, magique meme… Je l’adore!

  13. I will definitely be there if I find a babysitter!! It was a pleasure reading your book and looking forward to many more in the future!

  14. I am so sad I won’t be there for the book signing. I am actually in the Dominican Republic till end of June. Can’t believe I am going to miss it. Hopefully you will come back to Montreal so I can have the chance to meet you. Have a great time in Montreal.

  15. Oh non ! Je suis à Ottawa pour le moment. Je te conseille d’aller y manger une Pho (bon ok, pas très québécois) mais c’est à Montréal que j’ai découvert ce met (je suis belge). Maintenant, c’est tellement devenu une habitude d’en manger, je ne peux plus m’en passer. miam miam

  16. J’oubliais si tu veux des adresses de restaurants, épiceries, etc… N’hésite pas ou si tu en as, je serais impatiente que tu nous les fasses découvrir 😀

  17. Est-ce que Vancouver est sur la liste des villes a visiter? ce serait un tel bonheur de pouvoir enfin rencontrer l’auteur d’un si beau livre! il nous accompagne pour les jours de fete et les jours simples aussi, et m’a permis d’ouvrir mes horizons culinaires. Il y a donc une vie apres la baguette parisienne a la farine blanche de mon enfance!

  18. Hi Bea it’s great to read a post of yours again even if it were that short! I missed tour writing and pictures! 🙂 congratulations on your reprint! Hope to hear more good news from you your book was a joy to read through 😀

  19. Oh how I wish I could go to your book signing! But that would entail crossing an ocean so I will just have to patiently wait until my local bookstore’s order comes in and dive into your delicious pages! Lulu is growing up so fast!

  20. Magda,

    I know it is available on Amazon.fr but not sure about Poland, or bookstores, I am afraid.

  21. Bonjour
    Penses tu editer ton livre en français??
    En tout les cas je le souhaite

  22. Merci Elisabeth, je l’espère oui! Merci encore.

    Thanks so much everyone. Merci à tous. I look forward to meeting those of you who can come, and the others at another time in the future. The West coast, Vancouver, Seattle and Portland are definitely in the planning, so hopefully soon, and NYC will happen as well. Thanks again for your support.

  23. Nice! 🙂 By the way, is your book available in France? I just found out I live really close to your hometown here in France. Every post you have written about Lorraine is what I’m experiencing here. thanks!

  24. Awesome! I’ll be there! I just got your book, it is so beautiful. Your blog was one of the first food blogs I started reading back in 2006. I’m thrilled you’re coming to Montreal and look forward to the event this Friday!

  25. Super je travaille à côté de chez Indigo alors j’y serais avec plaisir depuis le temps que je vous lit et cuisine !!! Et n’oubliez pas de passer chez olive et gourmando dans le vieux-Montréal pour un snack extra !

  26. Hi Béa, I spent a lovely week in Sicily last May. I had an amazing chicken caciatori that was completely different than the standard (for instance no tomato sauce) and delicious. I’ve searched for a recipe but been unsuccessful. Did you experience any dish like that? -Linda

  27. Pingback: All in a weekend show on CBC Radio Canada, and a strawberry cake | La Tartine Gourmande

  28. Pingback: There were potatoes, oysters, and mussels | La Tartine Gourmande

  29. Pingback: The promise of 2013 | La Tartine Gourmande