Sneak Peek at Design Sponge

Sneak Peek of la cuisine

I am spoiled.

A few months ago, contributing editor Anne Ditmeyer who writes for inspiring Design Sponge (“a daily website dedicated to home and product design”; see the feature of In the Kitchen column too from February) asked me if I would like to give a tour of our house, for their Sneak Peek column. No need to add that I felt really honored. It took me some time to finally take pictures of our house — there seemed to always be food projects and a baby’s room to renovate in the way — but here it is now, finally.

Sneak Peek of la maison

You can check the full article with more pictures by following this link here.

Sneak Peek of le coin tranquille

Many thanks again to Anne and Grace at Design Sponge for giving me this honor. I hope you will enjoy the short tour inside our little house.

Incidentally, I wanted to add a note about my lack of response to emails some of you have sent, with questions about camera, food styling and photography. So sorry I have not yet managed to answer them all. If you do not hear from me, feel free to send another note!

Posted in Food Photography, Food Styling, Life and Us


  1. Quel bel intérieur… on retrouve la clarté et la douceur qui font que la lecture de votre blog est un régal pour les yeux.
    Bon week-end.

  2. Your home looks as beautiful and comfortable as your blog! I smiled at the piles of cups…, it must be really hard to find the right one for each food design;)

  3. Your house is gorgeous! I love all the natural light and open windows. Your baby is going to grow up in such a warm and nurturing environment… Your home is a pure reflection of you and your blog.

  4. I absolutely LOVED your home. WOW. I bookmarked it so I could blow the pictures up later and scrutinize. So colorful and cozy!

  5. ohh cozy, perfect & colorful. i may steal some of these ideas as we are just about to buy our first home and have a fresh palette to work with. i love the paint color, you’re right about it’s color giving off more light to the room.

  6. it suits your style to the tee bea. thanks for sharing these photos with us. so inspiring…

  7. Congrats Bea on your article on the Design Sponge website-I’m also a BIG fan- and your house is “adorable”, cosy, full of life and colors, love it! Thanks for sharing, have a great week end! xoxo

  8. Nice colorful accents in your home, but what I really like is the BIG chalkboard! Thanks for sharing your home with us.

  9. Thank you for showing us your home. It’s so inspiring, beautiful and light. Like the spring which is always present in your posts.

  10. Ta maison est très jolie et lumineuse ; j’aime beaucoup les divers ustensiles de cuisine et les éléments de déco qui en font un endroit chaleureux et accueillant!

  11. How delightful! Your home is full of joy and color – and I’m off to add Design Sponge to my Favorites – and check out the article. You have the most wonderful eye for color and design – not to mention being an amazing cook!

  12. Thank you all! 😉

    The paintings seen on the pics are almost all mine, expect for the great one of the old lady with a cat on her lap — in living room, by sofa. It was made by a great friend of mine, who is a fabulous artist (Elena Gorodensky)

  13. You’ve got a really nice home. A place truly yours, it has so much of your taste and flavours in it! I like the chalkboard so much!!!

  14. Is there a room to rent? :D?! I like the chalkboard too but your handwriting is so nice!

  15. Love, love, love it…. Really warm and nice home you have…
    I would really like to see the rest of your kitchen…(blush)…must be beautiful…

    Thank you for showing us your place…;)

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  17. J’adore tes images…mais comment tu fais pour les faire si lumineuses et colourées sans trop exagerer??

  18. My husband and I love your blog Bea and we have been regular readers for a few months! Love these images of your beautiful house and we are inspired by your simple, colorful and classy style. Glad you have found our blog as well!

  19. jadore votre interieur .On le meme fauteuil jaune daillerus .Jai un blog culinaire (ilnestpasencore fini) que vous pouvez regarder . le titre est saveurs chanteliennes (u can google it)

  20. hi there,
    a bit of a random question from a random commenter, hope you don’t mind!

    I’ve been looking for the lovely green bike basket pictured (which you cleverly adapted as a fruit basket) forever and cannot remember which brand it is. would you mind telling me so that I can finally go & get it? 🙂
    thanks ever so much!!!

    (I find it hilarious this question comes to you, a french girl living in the states, all the way from a spanish girl living in the netherlands!!! how nuts is the net, like? 😉

  21. obviously an admirer of your blog (forgot to add the standard praise! 😉 voilà!
    merci bien!

  22. Pingback: Chocolate snow eggs — Oeufs à la neige au chocolat | La Tartine Gourmande

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