New Life

I’ve had some news that I’ve been meaning to share with you for a while now, but I just did not know how, or more precisely when. You see, since I can be a worrier, I tend to wait for an event to happen, to be sure that it is real. So I waited…

But there are signs to make me confident: I no longer fit in my skirts and trousers — Thank God for my stretchy dresses; I feel tired at night sooner — and grumpy too; I wake up starving; I snack as I’ve never done before; I nap at odd times of the day, and then, I feel kicks that make waves on my stomach. They can be faint or big, always fascinating, sometimes waking me at night, keeping me company while I bake, cook, write, style and photograph. In truth, I love the feeling: this is the magic of life.

Less than three months to go, and P. and I will then discover something new. Something captivating. A little one who will keep us company; a little one that we will cherish, admire, and with whom we will learn. So much, in fact.

We cannot wait.

Oh ça sera le bébé le mieux nourri au monde,” P. keeps telling me with a smile (It will be the best fed baby in the world).

We both know that he exaggerates.

But in the end, I don’t mind that he teases me with these words. In fact, I cannot wait to feed our baby. And teach him or her to love food, life and travel as much as we both do.

Posted in Life and Us


  1. Felicitations Bea! Mon mari et moi avons un petit garcon qui a deja 4 mois (Cedric). C’est une experience merveilleuse et je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur! Nous habitons a Seattle et voyageons aussi et je fais beaucoup de tes recettes.

  2. Great news! Congratulations Bea!! It will indeed be the best fed baby in the world! My best wishes..

  3. Félicitations Béa!!! Quelle belle nouvelle! Tu vas voir, c’est la plus belle expérience du monde d’être maman. Et surtout, profites-en, cela passe si vite!
    PS: Tu es très belle sur cette photo 😉

  4. Many, many congratulations!! That is so wonderful. Wishing you and the new baby the best of health.

  5. Congratulations! What fantastic news and you look amazing in your photo, motherhood is such a beautiful thing.

  6. Oh that is wonderful news! You look gorgeous. [Any wild food cravings?]

  7. congratulations to you both Bea. This is such an exciting time and how lucky this new being will be to be part of your life.

  8. Congratulations! Buenas Noticias or gute Nachrichten (wonderful news!!)
    Greetings from Germany!

  9. OH!!! What absolutely delightful news, many congratulations to you both!!
    Just super!!

  10. How beautiful, congratulations to you both! It will surely be the best fed baby in the world. 🙂 At least, in your world, which is the most important thing.

  11. Félicitations ! Quelle nouvelle ! Je suis vraiment heureuse pour vous deux !
    Rayonnante sur la photo !

  12. oh my goodness! what exciting news… congratulations. can’t wait to see baby peltre… many many good wishes to you and your growing family.

  13. Chere Bea, on ne s’est jamais rencontres, mais, pourtant, j’aime ton blog et je suis ton parcours. Je te felicite de ta grossesse et je suis sure que votre bebe sera le bebe goumand de l’annee! Je suis mere d’une fillete de 19 mois et si jamais tu arrives a Athenes, Grece, je serais ravie que nos enfans faire la connaissance . Grosses bises et bonne continuation d’ Athenes, Irini

  14. Quelle bonne nouvelle! Maman d’une gourmande de 2 ans et demi, je peux témoigner que c’est un plaisir de tous les jours que de faire à manger à une connaisseuse qui apprécie avec entousiasme les bons petits plats (y compris tes petits gateaux quinoa chocolat pacanes). Je vous souhaite plein de bonheur à trois. Bon vent et surtout pas de culpabilité si tu oublies un peu (temporairement) tes lecteurs 😉

  15. Congratulations!

    Your writing, recipes, and pictures have been inspiring me for the last year. Keep up the wonderful journey of creating a beautiful life figuratively…and now literally!

    My best wishes from Chicago.

  16. Hi! I’ve been following your site (its so beautiful!) for awhile now.. what a great opportunity for a first comment! Congratulations! You sound very happy. =)

  17. Oh Beatrice! This is a wonderful thing!!! I am so happy for you, I am almost jumping! :))
    Greetings for the three of you!

  18. congratulations! i hope that means we will soon be having some baby food recipes as well! 😉

  19. Hooray! You and P. will make wonderful parents! Our bebe, Marcel, is 9 years old. Time passes so quickly, ah, but the joys along the way are many! Thanks for sharing your very special news. You look so beautiful, Béa! All the best.

  20. Can’t wait to see the little prince/princess, Bea – you look absolutely beautiful! kxx

  21. Bea,

    How beautiful you look….How lucky your little one will be to be nurtured by a mother who views beauty in the world all around her. Thank you for sharing your most special “cooking” project to date!

  22. felicitaciones!!!!! guau…what wonderful news. i was starting to wonder after noticing some of your baby-themed stylefeeder items….
    what a blessing for your family.
    enjoy and eat eat eat,

  23. Felicitations a vous deux pour cette nouvelle aventure. Moi il me reste 5 mois avant de rencontrer mon bebe, et je ressens juste les premiers coups, c’est magique. Je vois que tu reste tres fine pour tes 6 mois de grossesse, bravo. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur!

  24. Hi Bea – I wish I was back there to meet the little one! Many happy wishes to you both!

  25. Congratulations Béa! No news can be better news than that of expecting a baby 🙂 is this lucky baby or baby girl or boy? take care, pretty mom-to-be!

  26. Congratulations, Bea! And you are definitely one of the prettiest pregnant ladies I’ve every seen 🙂

  27. oh je l’avais remarqué depuis longtemps… j’ai vu des trucs de bébé ds ton stylefeed!! bravo! 🙂

  28. That is beyond exciting and so beautiful. Congratulations!! You look radiant in the photo…:)

  29. Congratulations Bea & P!
    Such wonderful news for both of you.
    Motherhood is certainly a fantastic adventure. All the best!

  30. Felicitations! Congratulations! I wish you the best. You look radiant. You will soon have to post gourmet baby food recipes, alongside you fantastic adult recipes.

  31. FELICITARI! [ that’s romanian 🙂 ] c’est mon premier commentaire aussi, meme si je vous lis chaque jour…

  32. Ooooooooooooooooooohhhhh!!!!! I feel so so so happy for you both!! (uhps, for the three of you!!) It’s such a wonderfull news to read, really, I wish you a great time to come and… let us know!! A big hug! :-* S

  33. Congratulations! You looks so happy, radiant and beautiful and that picture!



  34. Congrats! You’ll soon join the biggest club in the world (parents club). And you’ll learn how exciting and sometimes tiring 😉 babies can be. Looking forward to baby pics!

  35. Congratulations, dear Bea! This will certainly be one very well-travelled and well-fed baby 🙂 Lucky one!!

  36. Congratulations Bea. That is wonderful news. I saw a comment on your Facebook page yesterday and hoped you were.

  37. Félicitations Bea! This is wonderful news, I’m sure your husband is right. It will be the best fed baby in the world!!! I’m so envious 🙁 (I feel like I am going to be deprived child now… haha joking). Stay healthy!

  38. Congratulations! you look so beautiful and happy. And thank yoy very much for your delicious recipies.
    kind regards from Barcelona

  39. Bravo à tous les deux. On voit ici que P. est aussi doué que toi en photo -certainement parce que son modèle est rayonnant. Mini-gourmet ou gourmande a bien de la chance 🙂

  40. wow beatrice – heartfelt congratulations! i miss being pregnant (not so much the sleepless nights after, although I have to say their smile and contentedness makes up for a lot!) – enjoy the beautiful journey that is having kids and embrace the huge responsibilty it brings.
    i have never felt more relaxed than during my pregnancies… it’s just a bump, but all of a sudden we’re so much more beautiful, always the centre of attention and, best of all, we get to ride our emotions out to the full always – make the most of it! 😉
    Good luck with it all!

  41. Bonjour Béatrice !
    Félicitations pour cette nouvelle 🙂
    Pendant cette période, tu dois plus que bien porter notre prénom qui comme tu le sais sûrement tire ses origines dans le latin beatus, beata, beatum, qui signifie heureux.
    Tous mes voeux de bonheur à la bienheureuse maman, donc ! et félicitations pour tes délicieuses recettes et ces photos qui capturent si bien des moments essentiels…

  42. Quelle Jolie nouvelle : Mes Sincères Félicitations !!!
    La photo est de plus très Belle 🙂

  43. Toutes mes félicitations Béa 🙂 Même si la cuisine fait partie de notre vie, les enfants prennent plus de place qu’elle. Tu connaitras la joie de lui préparer des crêpes le matin pour qu’il soit d’attaque à l’école, de voir sa bouille pleine de chocolat, de lui montrer tes talents de cuisinière. Le regard émerveillé qu’il te portera quand tu auras fait un gâteau d’anniversaire te comblera de bonheur 😉

  44. Congratulations. It’s a wonderful sensation, isn’t it? I wish evrything good to you and i’m sure your husband is not exagerating………..!!!!!!!!

  45. 100e post pour vous féliciter chaleureusement tous les 2, ce bébé sera très bien accueilli… et si tu as quelques recettes pour bébé, ça peut être intéressant 🙂

  46. Congratulations, I iwhs you all the best! I wonder what a wonderfull food blogger such as yourself is experiencing in terms of cravings these days?!

  47. Bea, I am a fine artist whom enjoys cooking and baking very much. Your blog is full of amazing beauty, poetry,goodness and nourishment. I get inspired every time I spent time with it.
    Congratulations on your baby. You look amazing. It is really hard to believe you can look so good despite of the amount of cooking takes place in your home.
    Keep up the wonderful work.

  48. This is the most beautiful photo I’ve seen here! Congratulations from Italy!
    You are the best and I am very happy for you.

  49. Oh wow, this is very exciting news from you. Congratulations and best wishes as you start this exciting new phase of your life.

  50. Félicitations!

    Et merci de votre visite! 🙂
    Même si mon gâteau et mes photos sont bien moins jolis que les vôtres 😉 l’essentiel est que cela ait été délicieux! 🙂

    Meilleures salutations!

  51. Béa, tu es très belle et très serène 🙂 Bonne continuation !

  52. this is the best blog news I have read in months! More than wonderful, heavenly and heaven made!

  53. This time you have a different kind of bun n in the oven, comment ils disent!

    You look beautiful. Congratulations!

  54. Que-ce que c’est une bonne nouvelle Bea! Toutes mes felicitations!
    Tu es tellement jolie sur la photo!

  55. Finally!!! I have been waiting for you both to announce to the world that the best fed baby will be here soon! Seriously, I feel honored to have bee privy to this information and so absolutely happy for you both! Thank you for your trust and friendship Bea….I have three months to design a La Tartine Baby Macarons now right?!!
    You are a beautiful mother!!

  56. Waouh, quelle bonne nouvelle, et encore un point commun! Jje suis moi aussi enceinte, de 7 mois 1/2, notre due date est le 10 decembre et nous savons deja que c’est une petite fille. Porte toi bien! je t’embrasse, et felicitations!!!!

  57. I’d like to add my congratulations to you and your mari! Life will change completely for you in less than three months, but it will be a wonderful adventure!

  58. Congragulations. Thankyou for wharing this with all of us.
    You look so lovely. You holding that tummy here i am fully welled up.
    Reminds me of the time when i was carrying my daughter.
    Enjoy the time

  59. Toutes mes félicitations Béatrice!!!!
    J’ai comme l’impression que nous sommes rendues au même mois…

    Moi aussi j’attends ce petit être qui va changer notre vie avec impatience!

  60. Words can not express how happy I am for you and P.– All of my love and best wishes to you both. You will be a truly fantastic mom! 🙂 Hope to catch up soon.

  61. Congratulations to you both! You are beautiful pregnant – just look at the glow on your face 🙂

  62. Hi, I’ve gradually became addicted to your blog and started cooking this and that. Thanks for the inspirational blogging.:-) Most of the time I just read, but I couldn’t just pass by on this one. Congratulations!!! What a wonderful news!

    I have no doubt that your baby will be the most well fed baby in the world. /(^^)/

  63. Félicitation!!!!pas très original comme mot pour dire combien je suis heureuse pour toi et ta famille, présente et future…ta photo:un rayon de soleil sur la toile; ça me donne envie de faire pareil; être enceinte et heureuse à ce point…encore bravo!

  64. Félicitations à toi et au futur papa! Je suis également enceinte, mais j’oublie toujours de prendre des photos de moi. Ton portrait est superbe, j’espère que ta grossesse va bien se passer. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur.

  65. just wanted to say congrats!!! i always check your blog, love your pictures and recipes…. no doubt youll be a great mom… yours will be a lucky kid !!
    hugs and best wishes all the way from the caribbean!!

  66. This is such great news! Many many congratulations to you, Béa and to your husband! 🙂

  67. Je vois que tu te portes à merveille… nul doute que tu sauras lui préparer de bonnes purées de légumes qui font grandir !! ;-))

  68. What is it with bloggers having babies? hehe. Seriously though, congratuations. My little boy is nearly 2, and it has been the most amazing, crazy, insane and incredible 2 years of my life. It seriously doesn’t get any better.

    Get some sleep. Buy a Miracle Blanket. life is very, very good 😀

  69. Congrats! I have been reading your wonderful blog for almost 2 years and never left a comment. I couldn’t resist it this time. The picture is so beautiful!!

  70. Bea,
    I can’t say how happy I am with the news! I’m a greedy reader of your blog – I just love the food and photograph! I must confess, even living so far from you (I’m from Brazil), I’ve been wondering for some time when this baby would come. 🙂
    Now, with blessing of God, I’ll have mine sooner – I’m already trying! 😉
    My best wishes, Juliane

  71. Félicitations! Ton texte et ta photo sont très émouvantes. Et ce que tu souhaites transmettre à cet enfant est plein de belles promesses. Beaucoup de bonheur aux futurs parents!

  72. Félicitations à tous les 2,5 alors 😉 Ma soeur attend aussi son premier bébé pour fin décembre – début janvier… Quel magnifique cadeau de nouvelle année ça sera pour vous 🙂

  73. Muchas Felicidades Béa! Felicitations! Congratulations!!! You look really pretty with that special and charming “allure” that pregnant women have 😉 I hope everything is going ok with your pregnancy and thank you for sharing such a good piece of news with us. All the best for the future parents, your child will be lucky! Love xxNat

  74. Wow Bea, I nearly cried when I saw the photo… I think you are an amazing and talented woman and that you deserve all the happiness in the world! Congratulations!

  75. congratulations bea! your photo is one of the most beautiful and precious i have ever seen. you will be a wonderful and amazing mother to your baby!

  76. Congratulations! These are wonderful news! All the best for the three of you!

  77. Bea, what a beautiful photo, pregnancy has made you bloom, and we are all so excited to welcome a new member to the family! Nana is knitting already!!
    Love, K, H & E xxxxx (E is uber excited to be the BIG cousin!)

  78. Congratulations! You look wonderful! I think your husband is right – your baby will be the best fed baby in the world 🙂

  79. I am so happy for you!!! Since I first entered your site I have been a great fun of you and your recipes and I really believe that you and your family deserve all the happiness of the world!…Congratulations!!!

  80. Congratulations! You look wonderful! I too am expecting a baby in February and so I can’t wait to read all about what the baby eats…I find your site so inspiring!

  81. oh Congratulations Bea! How lovely you look. I’m so glad you could share this beautiful moment with all your readers.

  82. wonderful news. thanks for sharing. look forward to reading all about it. wonderful photo. congrats!

  83. Well, you already got so many comments to congratulate you… mais, moi aussi, je veux tout de même congratulate you as well. That’s something wonderful that you both live. Je suis heureux pour vous.
    ‘looking forward to reading baby-food recipes !!!

  84. You are blessed indeed!
    For being such an inspiration about passion and beauty of life.
    The food, the travelling, the pictures, the stories..

    Have a blissfull pregnancy, Bea! Keep Inspiring!

    ~My best wishes from Bali~ (^_^)

  85. Congratulations and my best wishes to you and your husband. You look wonderful!!!!

  86. Congratulations!!! I love your blog and now it’s time to leave a comment… I just wanted to tell you that at least it won’t be your fault if this baby turns out to be a picky eater! Be aware, this can always happen (happened to us: #1 is a true gourmet, #2 is the kind of picky eater that will truly make you despair). All the best to you and your belly!

  87. I love you blog, I love this post so much … especially this.. “I cannot wait to feed our baby. And teach him or her to love food, life and travel as much as we both do.” Congratulations

  88. Congratulations! It is always so very exciting to hear about someone becoming a new parent. You have been such a food inspiration for me, and I am so excited to hear about this wonderful new addition to your life.

  89. Felicitation! J’espere que ton bebe sera en bonne sante! Desole pour le manque des accents. Mon clavier est programme pour l’anglais. 😉 Je te souhaite une belle grosesse aussi!

  90. Pingback: Spring Asparagus, Lemon and Olive Cottage Tart

  91. Ohhhhh 😀 You look so so sweet, congratulations Bea!
    I wish you a wonderful new life.

  92. Congratulations Bea ! Sure your child have and will have a great diet.
    I wish you the best ! x

  93. 恭 喜 你!Congratulations to you and your husband! I wish you great joy.

  94. Je le savais!!! Félicitations à vous deux!! Je l’attends avec impatience moi aussi!

  95. I hope you’ll share your sure-to-be-fantastic baby-food recipes with us! I want my babies to eat EVERYTHING and love it. I think that begins at very young age.


  96. Congratulations! That is a very beautiful picture of you. I hope these exciting days and challenges will do you well.

  97. Congrats to you and your husband! What wonderful sentiments everyone here has. Now to think of simple dishes to prepare and ones for the little baby too

  98. Hello Beatrice,

    Congratulations on this good news. I can’t describe how happy I am for you and for your baby. I know you through your flickr images and sometimes the recipes blog but that is enough for me to feel somewhat connection (in terms of the love for food, travel and photography).



  99. oooh congratulations bea! =D
    it’s so exciting even though i don’t know you personally and only through your pictures. i’m sure you’ll make a great mum and definitely feed him/her well! hehe.

  100. Hi Bea, what a wonderful news. I’m so happy for the three of you. What a cute little bump there 😀 Amazing feeling, isn’t it? I’m on my 4th month pregnancy now

  101. Congratulations B and P! This is wonderful news- 220 comments, you are well loved:) You must post about the baby and the birth so we can rejoice with you. What a wonderful thing.

  102. Quelle belle nouvelle!!!!! Et quelle tendresse ta photo…….
    Je suis venue pour lire une recette et j’ai gagné un grand sourire……..
    félicitations à vous deux!!!! :)))

  103. You look so beautiful, Bea! G and I can’t wait to see you and P, and to feed you both…Glorious news!

  104. Congratulations! Felicitaciones! My husband and I are also expecting our first and it is truly a magical time. 🙂 God bless you!

  105. Félicitations aux futurs parents!
    Je suis une lectrice assidue de votre blog depuis quelques mois déjà. Vos recettes sont inspirantes, vos photos sont magnifiques et votre plume est très rafraîchissante!

    Drôle de coïncidence… je cherchais la semaine dernière dans vos anciens posts des recettes pour bébé! Je suis enceinte de 4 mois et sachant cette grande nouvelle il me tarde encore davantage de vous lire! J’espère que vous partagerez avec nous vos recettes de purées de bébé et vos trucs pour voyager avec un poupon!

  106. je serai la 226eme a te souhaiter du bonheur, du bonheur et du bonheur encore. Meme apres 16ans de maternite…. je me dis que c’est la plus belle chose qui puisse arriver a une femme et a un homme !!
    bonne continuation!

  107. Congratulations, Bea, to you and P!!! this is wonderful indeed, a truly magical and beautiful time. I wish you an easy pregnancy and birth, because all after that is going to be such much more than we can tell you. I am so very happy for sharing the news with us! Sounds like your baby might be a Capricorn?!? Take care of you, and wish you the best.

  108. Béa, i am a bit late. but i want to congratulate you! you will be a lovely mum – of course i don’t know you personally but from reading your posts, and watching your space, we can see that you are a very nurturing person. ; o)

  109. This news brings me out of lurkdom to say congratulations! You are beautiful inside and out and I’m sure your baby will be as well, especially if you fill him or her full of your delicious food!

  110. Congratulations and my sincerest wishes for an easy ans speady delivery -and loads of love, gun and good food afterwards 😉

  111. I’m not sure I ever commented on this blog but now I must: congratulations!!! What wonderful news! I’ve been aunt to an adorable little baby boy for three months now and I’m loving it. All the best to you!

  112. Pingback: Curried Winter Squash Soup with Red Lentil, Coconut Milk and Clams | La Tartine Gourmande

  113. Thanks for sharing with us your emotions and feelings…I am pregnant too…I am so sensitive…and your words moved me deeply..:-)

  114. Congratulations!

    For some reason my bookmark to your blog stopped working over a month ago and I was wondering what was wrong. Finally decided to do a google, and got you back!

    With such great news!

    Congratulations again!

  115. A big hug to all of you! Your comments were really warming to the heart! Merci!

  116. I’ve been traveling and then too much baking and let this one slip past too fast reading!

    Congratulations many times over. With a new grandson and nephew this year, I am so happy for you soon to be three.

  117. Congratulations! It’s a wonderful news, and I wish all the best to you and your baby. It’s a fantastic time to you. Lovely photo!

  118. Felicitations Béa! Je suis aussi maman depuis deux années, c’est génial (mais aussi un peu dur) Je te suis très reconnaissante pour tes recettes et pour ton blog en géneral… Alors, si tu as besoin d’aide avec ta nouvelle vie de maman, n’hésites pas à me contacter.

  119. Bea the magic of life…the best thing in the world.A wonderful experience.A new woeld to discover.A new way to be a woman. You’ll be a mum for ever !
    Congratulations from Rome Italy.

  120. Congratulations Bea, that’s wonderful news!!! The little tartinette will surely be very well travelled and fed! I will surely be looking out for all those future mashed food recipes 🙂

  121. You look gorgeous – actually, you are glowing! So beautiful!
    Congratulations, dear Béa – Brazilians are GREAT at hugging, so consider yourself hugged many, many times. 🙂

  122. Félicitation!!! Un bébé est le plus beau cadeau qu’on peut ce faire. Meilleurs voeux de santé pour bébé et maman. Bonjour de Montréal.

  123. Congratulations, Bea! I love your site, I love the way you write and your pictures! Enjoy the moment, girl… and yes, that baby will be very well fed!!!

  124. J’arrive un peu tard pour te féliciter mais, comme on dit, “vaut mieux tard que jamais” ou “il n’est jamais trop tard pour bien faire”. Alors, Félciitations à tous les deux pour cette belle nouvelle. Et P a bien raison, ce sera sûrement le bébé le mieux nourri du monde car il aura sûrement la chance de goûter de tout très jeune.

  125. I am late – but Bea – my heartfelt congratulations to you and P. I am sure you will enjoy everything motherhood offers – yes even those frustrating moments! Because there will be so many more great moments that you will cherish. Hugs to you!

  126. Felicitaciones!!! I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful mom.
    Enjoy each and every day of the pregnancy…it ends so fast!!!
    Big hug from this side of the world from
    Sil & Dante who is already reading your blog with 23 days old =)

  127. Congratulations Bea! This explains all the baby stuff in your stylefeed 🙂

  128. omy! congratulations! i’m sure your baby will have the best birthdaycake in town… every year!

  129. Oh Bea, I had not checked your site for a while and I read this wonderful news just now. How wonderful !!
    Is your baby going to be a lucky one or what ?
    A mother who will prepare the best food in the world…. can you imagine his birthday parties and lunch boxes ? :))))

  130. Pingback: Soothing — Réconfort | La Tartine Gourmande

  131. Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the baby participating with her parents and the world!

  132. Félicitation! et merci pour les belles choses que vous nous donnez!
    mes voeux de bonheur!

  133. Congratulations!! Congrats, congrats Bea & P. I was just thinking to myself that hopefully you know there are many who enjoy your blog even though we hardly leave comments.. and just as I was going to close your blog, I notice this photo.. a small photo of a lady holding her little belly.. is that Bea? is she expecting? and yes indeed when I clicked on your picture.. Congrats!

  134. Thank you, again, to everyone. You are really nice with your words.

    yes Karolina, name is chosen 😉

  135. My sweet, Béa! I’m so happy for you and for P! What a joyful time in your life. I hope you enjoy every moment of it and I can’t wait to see how the experience enriches your food experiences … and your blog (and enriches us with reading it)!


  136. Félicitation!! How exciting, beautiful and wonderful! I almost started to cry as I read your heartfelt post. I just found your blog via Design Sponge and let me tell you, c’est fantastique! Merci pour votre inspiration!

  137. OOOOOHHHH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! how wonderful.Beautiful photo…looks like you’re having a girl 😉 All the best throughout the pregnancy and there after!! As always, your writing is fab, just loved your baby intro 🙂

  138. salut
    Je viens de commencer un blog culinaire ,je suis encore novice (pas en cuisine mais e ncreation de blogs). je voulais vous le faire decouvrir . je vis a Louisville Kentucky usa . mon blog est e nanaglais pour linstant ,la version francaise viendra plus tard .
    bon courage pour l`accouchement

  139. Oh Bea, you’re glowing in that photo! What wonderful news, and *what* a lucky baby your little one is going to be!

  140. What wonderful news, I haven’t checked your blog for a while, and am welcomed back with such a wonderful sight! I am a medical student, and I’ve recently been delivering babies on labour ward so I am full of the joys of many women’s babies at the moment; it is such a wonderful period in a woman’s life. I wish you all the best with the birth of your baby and may there be many a happy family feast to come!

  141. didnt see this til just now (nov 9 08) wow! many congrats! I am sure you all will have a precious little one and also well fed 🙂 good job!

  142. Pingback: Homemade baby’s food — Nourriture bébé préparée maison | La Tartine Gourmande