Home Village in France

lorraine albestroff france

Home Village in France
    A different culture.

    A different climate.

    A different country.

    I am now in my home village in France,

    Busy picking apples,

    Playing with Ortie the cat,

    And taking walks to meet the cows.

    Tomorrow, I will bake an apple tart.

Posted in Food & Travel, French Inspired, Fruit


  1. Bea,
    Oh my heart shaking to look at your panoramic photograph! Beautiful … very beautiful….
    I always tell my husband that I want to spend my old day in France, somewhere in the village of France. I hope my dream will come true!

  2. I love the picture of the black cat … it looks like a male and he is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. What lovely photos!! I found you via “hidden in france” — I now know why she listed you as one of her favs!!

  4. great shots and lovely text to go with, como siempre. and the apples are starting to appear on this side of the atlantic, too – yippee!

  5. These photos have brought the travel bug back to me… oh to be in France again, rather than at work!

  6. What a beautiful place! I love the photo of the cows and the apple and ladder photo is really outstanding. Guess where I’d rather be now? Do you need any help with the apple tart…..?!

  7. J’y suis aussi… en France, cad. Quel bonheur de retrouver la famille, les amis, la cuisine de mémé (ahAH… j’ai même repris l’habitude de mettre des accents sur mes “e”)

    Passe de bonnes vacances Bea!

  8. I love it. Like someone said above. I’m jealous too! Seems like the apple tart is a natural progression from playing with cats and going to meet the cows and I so enjoyed that last sentence: “tomorrow I will make an apple tart.” You can’t believe how much I wish I could taste it right there where you are. It won’t taste the same elsewhere.

  9. So very beautiful! Thank you for sharing the photos of your home. I can’t wait to see the apple tart! (Ortie is one beautiful kitty and those cows definitely look like ones you would want to meet!)

  10. Superbes photos, Béa ! Un beau contraste de couleurs. Profite-bien de ton séjour en France. J’attends avec impatience que tu nous racontes votre expérience en Grèce 🙂

  11. Ca ressemble au village de mes grands parents! Tu nous tente avec tes surprises (wink,wink!). Tes parents doivent se regaler de t’avoir pendant quelque temps!

  12. Hi hi everyone,

    Thanks for your comments! It’s really great to be back home at this time of year — even if it’s been raining on and off! A change from Crete! The region is Lorraine, and the district is Moselle — eastern part of France. Lots of forests, fields, lakes and cows here 😉

  13. Nice photos Béa. Isn’t it wonderful that autumn is right around the corner? I made apple strudels today.

  14. Quelles jolies photos… J’habite les USA maintenant depuis près de 30 ans mais je n’ai rien oublié.

  15. I envy you!! What a love place and home to come home too!! Isn’t that what most of us want? A place to get away from all the hecticness, craziness and fast pace of our everyday lives!! What bliss.. going back to nature, the countryside, the country life, the simplicity.. Enjoy your days there!!

  16. I love all the beautiful pictures you take, they’re so inspiring. I’d like to put a link to your blog from mine if you don’t mind. Thanks!

  17. Bea, your home village is so tranquil… and I’ll imagine your apple tart going to be very lovely as well!

  18. Wow. Those are some amazing photos. I especially like the black cat. There’s something really engaging about the way the cat is looking at the camera.

    I noticed that you’re an expat, so I thought I might mention jaxtr.com, which offers low international calling rates. I hope that’s helpful info, and thank you for posting those beautiful photos.

  19. Pingback: Albestroff : informations, photos, carte, vue satellite

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    Annette Mathieue