Lost Recipe — Recette égarée

I cannot believe that I lost my recipe.

This is what happens when you have too many pieces of paper lying around everywhere in the house, amongst other things. One day, you get tired of the pieces of paper everywhere — and the other things too — and that same day, you decide to change this and you start collecting all the pieces that you plan to toss in a bin. It will make you feel lighter.

Less clutter, more air to breathe.

But a few days later, you realize that you cannot locate the recipe you had jotted down quickly while baking. So you start panicking a little.

Then you realize that the recipe must have been written on one of the many culprit pieces of paper that were lying everywhere in the house, only a few days before.

So you sigh and think for a minute. You remember that you used yogurt, lime juice, berries, poppy seeds and canola oil instead of butter. Thank God, parts of your brain are still functioning normally.

Yes, right.

You have to bake the cakes yet another time.

So that you can share it with your readers. And its full story too.

N’est-ce pas ?

Posted in Breakfast, Cakes, Dessert, Fruit, Gluten Free


  1. Your house sounds like my house… The picture looks beautiful. We can taste those lovely cakes with our eyes et ils ont l’air tres bon.:-)

  2. Bummer. It’s a pain when that happens. It forced me to get organised. On a weekly basis I do my meal planning before shopping. All recipes are then typed/printed and put into a folder. The folder is always in the kitchen when I’m cooking and have to look something up. Problem solved. 🙂

  3. That’s strange… At my place it’s exactely the same, pieces of paper and handwritten recipies everywhere (not to mention cookbooks and food magasines I don’t even properly read aymore) Oh by the way, I saw you strawberry cover while musing around in a bookstore in aurillac… and I immediately recognized it as yours! ;-))

  4. Perhaps an accordion file might have helped, as Michelle said. Even without categories (since we know that P. hates categories). At least the recipe was not lost in your memory!

  5. moi aussi je me rend compte que j’ai beaucoup trop de papiers dans la cuisine!!!

    J’ai étée frappée par la photos, et j’attend la deuxieme réalisation, elle sera mieux que la prémière!

  6. i can totally relate to the paper thing. that feeling of dread is awful, especially because you thought you were doing something good by trying to straighten up. and then your thoughts race to, maybe its still in the trash!

  7. Eh bien, je suis désolée pour toi et c’est bien dommage pour nous car ça m’a l’air drôlement bon! Mais je crois que c’est assez fréquent, enfin je l’espère car moi, je suis plutôt du genre distraite et j’en suis encore au stade où je me dis que ce n’est pas trop grave!!

  8. Your magazine cover is amazing–i was wondering if you write for magazines as well or if you only recipe and photograph?

  9. oh no! lost recipe! but your photos are so beautiful and amazing as always. you inspire me!

  10. wow, what a gorgeous set of little cakes. i was hoping this was only a joke and the recipe would be at the end! these look way too pretty not to try!

  11. je me reconnais tellement là!! Le pire, c’est que j’ai acheté un grand cahier exprès pour prendre des notes à chaque fois que je teste une recette, mais il suffit que j’ai un bout de papier devant moi et que le cahier n’est pas à proximité, et je recommence à griffonner sur les bouts de papier! Il y a tellement de recettes à tester, tellement de possibilités, tu oublieras vite cette recette égarée pour passer à une autre, sûrement tout aussi bonne 😉

  12. Comme c’est contrariant de perdre une recette ! ça m’est déjà arrivé et c’est parfois très dure de la reconstituer. En tout cas, ils sont superbes

  13. My reason for keeping recipes on my computer in a file called “FOOD”. If I had done it years ago (alas, I had no computer then) I would still have the original recipe for Chocolate Mousse Pie that was published in Bon Appetit Magazine 1992. Epicurious has another version of the recipe but it does not include the instructions for the Chocolate Leaves that decorated the finished cake and the recipe as I remember it is not the same.

  14. That is so something that would happen to me. My problem is jotting them down, but not writing what they are on the paper – then I end up with ten pieces of paper with lists of ingredients – and trying to figure out what it is for from that. They look great though!

  15. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve panicked while rummaging through my recipe box, unable to find my precious chocolate chip cookie recipe. I hope you can recreate it; the photo is beautiful.

    Speaking of your photos, I’m sure you get this all the time, but I get a lot of inspiration from your food photos. I just started my blog, Cooking Single, in February. Since I found yours I have truly seen an improvement in my pictures. So, thank you!

  16. S’agit-il de la recette des “Lemongrass, Vanilla and Red Currant Cakes” ? J’ai copié une de tes nombreuses recettes et s’il s’agit de ce ces cakes, je l’ai !!!!
    En tout cas, sur la photo, ça y ressemble. Je peux t’envoyer et la photo et la recette ! Mais, dans la recette, il n’y a pas de yaourt….

  17. They look familiar.. like your famous tea cakes.

    I understand what you mean.. these days, with modern technology, we come across so many recipes from the NET and sometimes, when I want to bake ‘that’ cake or recipe, I can’t for the life of me remember which folder I saved it in. And it doesn’t help when we have 3 computers in the house!!

    Recently, I’ve been copying and pasting your recipes so that I can print them out and not go through that torture of searching for it. I find that deciding on which cake takes up the most time!!

    Good job you’re doing here. Thank you. I enjoyed reading about your visit to France to see your brother. What bliss to get away!

  18. Ahah! That spunds all to familiar. Lately the dining room table has been renamed “Helen’s recipe file folder” !
    Great shot!

  19. Thank goodness you remembered to take some photos as those little cakes do look delicious! 🙂

  20. Thos cakes look so pretty. What do you bake them in to give them the fluted shape? I have just acquired some canola oil, so I need to try your recipe.


  21. Le pire, c’est quand je pense compter sur ma mémoire, lors de tests ou d’ajustements de recettes au fur et à mesure de la préparation, selon la consistance et le goût. J’oublie de noter. Et j’en oublie ma recette.
    Quant aux papiers volants… j’en ai perdu la recette de pâté Lorrain de mon grand père !

  22. Pingback: Les fruits rouges by La Tartine Gourmande

  23. Does this mean that we may still see the recipe in the future?????

  24. Bea,
    I like it when I can spot items we share in common – like the flower shaped cupcake molds and the brown cafe cups in your last post. Of course that just means I’m envious of all your other props that I don’t have!!! You use them so beautifully to accent your creations!

  25. Hi Bea.. sometimes I don’t read and just look at pictures. That allows me to imagine what you’re saying… Im either way off mark or somewhere close! Either way, it’s great…