La Tartine Gourmande Turns Two — La Tartine Gourmande a deux ans

apple tiramisu chocolate

Spiced Apple and Dark Chocolate Tiramisu

Would you believe me if I told you that I almost missed the date today? But how could I, really? I actually have something to celebrate, and YOU, my dear readers, to thank.

Two years ago, I started this blog. Exactly 730 days ago, on Nov 26, 2005, with a first post entitled Food Photography. I wrote that post innocently and spontaneously at the time, as if I had been urged to share something suddenly important — I also had to laugh when I saw the picture accompanying the article. I was then far from imagining that its contents would mean as much as it does to me today!

Because today, it means a ton.

Food Styling and Food Photography have been good to me indeed. It might sound cheesy to admit, and say, but I will say it all the same: I simply never tire of styling, or photographing food. When some people read, or watch a movie to relax, I enjoy playing with a few apples, a bowl full of sugar, or a piece of lettuce, and see what happens. And I cook. Seriously, I think it is a true addiction, one that I will never feel an ounce of guilt about. I thrive on it.

Will I be grateful enough for all the good things that blogging over the last two years gave me? It made writing for magazines or the Boston Globe possible; traveling to enchanting places, speaking at a conference, attending one, participating in a fun food styling workshop, and working on food projects for clients a reality. It allowed me to meet fantastic inspirational people — bloggers, professionals and readers — who became friends. Sure enough, it was not always all roses and flowers. It is never this way, and like everyone else, I have had my ups and downs. This is life. But then, it is when I receive your emails, or read your comments, that all of these more difficult times fade away. Your encouraging words are enough to make me smile, and feel reenergized again.

Blogging is about what we share, and what you give me when I reach out. I will never thank you enough for that. Truly again, merci.

I only wished I could share this simple dessert with you to express my gratitude. I sense that you would not mind, n’est-ce pas ?

Note : I designed this dessert for a dinner I hosted for dear friends recently. If you like chocolate, apples, mascarpone and spices, then it is meant for you too.

Posted in Chocolate, Dessert, Fruit


  1. If you like chocolate, apples, mascarpone and spices…what could be a more gorgeous combination? This picture is beautiful too.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  2. Only two?! Really? Wow! You seem so much more mature! Happy happy happy Birthday La Tartine Gourmand. We look forward to many future years of fabulous feasts and tasty treats.
    Bon anniversair

  3. Happy birthday, la tartine!! Bea, your photos and food are some of my very favorites. I hope your blog is around for many more years!

  4. Hi Bea – what a great blog-birthday to have! It’s actually our kids’ 4th birthday today! We celebrated for you, too 🙂 Congratulations, Bea. Very well done, indeed!

  5. 2 années riches en expériences et pour nous en plaisirs partagés.
    Félicitations pour tout ce que tu fais ! Continue !

  6. Happy blog birthday! Two years — and what exciting years they have been. I’m looking forward to a third year of your wonderful photography and recipes.

  7. Congratulations! I hope you do this for many more years to come, you have inspired me so very much–thank you!

  8. joyeux blog anniversaire ! je te souhaite encore plein de belles années remplies de découvertes et de belles créations…

  9. Je ne peux que me joindre aux autres pour te dire que chaque billet me ravit, même si je ne manifeste pas. Bon 2 ans et vive la suite.

  10. c’est toujours un vrai plaisir de visiter ta tartine gourmande .
    cela me laisse souvent ébahie et réveuse.

  11. What a lovely blog you have. And congratulations on your second year anniversary! I come across your site now and again, and am always refreshed when I read it and admire your photos. Wonderful!

  12. Continue ! c’est toujours un enchantement de voir tes photos, les couleurs, un reflet de gourmandise, un cours magistral de stylisme culinaire et d’art visuel… Bon anniversaire !

  13. Yes, thank you. It is your beautiful photographs I love, and also your interesting recipes, and most especially your way with color and light. Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Bloganniversary! Bonne continuation et keep up with the great work!



  15. Joyeux bloganniversaire, et merci de nous faire partager tes superbes recettes et magnifiques photos malgrés un emploie du temps, je pense, plus que chargé. Merci encore et longue vie à Tartine gourmande.

  16. Happy Birthday La tartine, many happy returns! Allez Bea, soufle ta bougie, et partage donc ce tiramisu avant qu’on ne soit trop nombreux a venir te souhaiter bon anniversaire.

  17. I’m surprised too – only two years and such a lot accomplished! Isn’t it strange (in a wonderful way) where life takes you!

  18. Happy Birthday pour ton superbe blog! c’est tjs un émerveillement d’ouvrir ses pages et bravo pour ton talent!

  19. just came across with your flickr pics, and that’s why i am here
    i am from hong kong, and my name is Beatrice too! 😛
    nice to meet you!

  20. Happy Blog-Birthday. I’m happy to have you here as a little very special food-blog-star! ,-)

  21. Bea, happy blog birthday! Your blog is such a pleasure to read. And your work is so impressive and inspirational.

  22. joyeux anniversaire a notre photographe adoree qui en plus est d el’est de la france et qui surtout transmet son amour de la photo…

  23. Congratulations! Your blog is my favorite food destination on the net and I admire the quality of your photos and your recipes! Keep it up!

  24. Happy blog anniversary, Bea! It’s hard for me to believe that I started 5 months before you, as I’ve always associate you with blogging, and thought you were around way before me 🙂

  25. Happy blog’birthday Béa ! Ton blog est vraiment un enchantement et j’espère que tu nous régalera encore longtemps.

  26. Happy blogday!
    I do love chocolate, mascarpone, appel and spices… Where can I find your tiramisu recipe?

  27. Re: Your comment about the SuperEuro…I do feel richer living on this side of the pond! I should add though, that with the prices of car fuel, both diesel and gasoline, the super duper euro ain’t worth squat! We pay the equivalent of $450/month in gasoline!

    Happy 2ND Blog Bday!

  28. Happy Blog Birthday, Bea! May you have more to come. You and your success in the foodie world remains a great inspiration to me!

  29. Happy Blog Birthday! I so enjoy your site. Thank you and keep up the beautiful work:)

  30. A wonderful and touching blog. Thank you for being so honest and frank– “it is not always easy. This is life.” How true. Your web site is my home page, and your photography helps inspire me to be the best pastry cook I can someday be, and always appreciate food and nature as God intended for us to.

  31. Happy blog birthday Bea! It truly is inspirational to see how far a pasison can take you – I am sure no one is surprised that someone with as much talent and energy as you would succeed! Best wishes for another delicious year!

  32. Thanks for your wonderful blog, Bea! It’s bloggers like you who inspired me to start my own!

  33. You look much older 😉 No really, thought your blog really was older. But it’s the same age as mine (give or take a couple of days). Happy anniversary and may many years follow!

  34. Felicitations!!! What a wonderful accomplishment and how lucky we all are to be able to share your journey.

  35. Congratulations Bea! Your story inspired me; and I am probably not alone. It is great to have dreams and to see that blogging opens opportunities.

    La Tartine Gourmande is part of my daily routine. I wish you lots of years of success and happiness.

  36. The only thing that I mind is the limits this virtual world has. I would love to share the tiramisu with you!
    Happy Anniversary! I’m so happy so many good things have come your way!

  37. happy 2nd bea! oh man, i missed mine! more more to come! was in Boston for the weekend…next time we’ll have to meet up!

  38. Happy Blog Birthday!
    I’m glad you never tire of playing with food because I never tire of seeing your results!

  39. Happy Anniversary! Isn’t it great to see that two years full of dedication can have such a great impact – you’re always an inspiration to me!

  40. Joyeux anniversaire! Que le temps passe vite! JE te souhiate bien d’autres annees remplies d’aussi belles choses!

  41. From another fan who’s addicted to your blog and checks it daily…FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS. May you keep at it for many more years.

  42. Congratulations and best wishes on your second year anniversary! I look forward to many more inspiring posts to come!

  43. Bon blogiversaire Bea!

    When I first discover another food blog, I usually look at the very first post and pics – and you certainly seem to have made a ‘jump’ from one day to another into amazing food photography – as if something suddenly ‘clicked’. Your writing style and photographs are very inspirational to me and I often sneak a quick look at your pics to see ‘how did she do that’ when I’m having fun in my kitchen.

    Thank you for two years of inspiration and here’s to many more – cheers!

  44. I remember when suddenly your name was everywhere, you are one of many who have discovered “unexpected” consequences of blogging. We’ll say, “We knew Bea when …”

    Congratulations, many more!

  45. I love it when Bloggers celebrate these yearly anniversaries. I think it is so important to stop and reflect and celebrate with the audience that reads you. So, Bea, thank-you for writing and thank you for consciously celebrating with US.

  46. Happy Anniversary, Bea! You certainly have developed a very keen eye these last two years. And, sorry for being blunt, but that picture on your first post is an amazing proof of how a lot of training and passion can improve ones skills.

    I’m looking forward to see where the future will take you.

  47. Happy belated blog birthday! I’ve loved reading it for the past year and I can’t wait to see what this new year holds.

  48. très bon anniversaire à un blog qui ne cesse de ma faire saliver grâce à ses superbes photos et à ses jolies recettes

  49. Depuis combien de temps je te lis? … Je ne sais plus, un an peut-être? Ce qui veut dire que j’ai la chance de revenir encore plus en arrière pour te connaître davantage. C’est un peu un cadeau pour moi! 🙂 Bon deux ans Bea… Je suis heureuse que nos chemins se soient virtuellement croisés et j’espère qu’ils se croiseront bientôt dans la réalité! 🙂

  50. Wow, this tiramisu is incredible and so is your blog and inspiring talent!! Looking forward to seeing more breathaking images and creations on your blog!

  51. Congrats! Alas, I have the same addiction! It’s wonderful to see how far along you have come – looking back at the photo on your first post makes me smile!

  52. Felicitations pour ces 2 belles annees…on en veut encore pour les yeux et les papilles!

  53. Happy birthday to your lovely blog Béa !
    Une si grande source de régal et d’inspiration.

  54. 2 ans, les cheveux de ton blog ont du pousser. Tu peux lui faire des couettes !!
    Et surtout continue à nous régaler avec tes sublimes recettes.

  55. chapo!!!
    as a pastry chef i know few professionals who does not come near your fine finess aprouch and atitude.
    love to be endalged by you, all the best
    liyon (ISRAEL)

  56. Pingback: La cuisine de Mercotte :: Macarons, Verrines, … et chocolat » Préparons Noël, la suite : un pré dessert café café..