Arrived in France — Arrivée en France

pink bud spring boston

Well, I wish I could say that I will still get a taste of the summer that France witnessed over the past few weeks. I have just arrived — and I am writing now from the airport because I am killing time, waiting for a connection ahaha. But it is raining in Paris! Bummer! Not that I came for the weather, mind you, but I hope that I will be able to see flowers like this one, caught outside our house yesterday!

I won’t even talk about the airplane food I had — do they really call this food? I am glad that I had brought with me my usual, salade de carottes, sandwiches with homemade country-style spelt bread, smoked salmon, pink radishes, egg and paprika. I did not have a plan for this one, it just happened. Oh, and I could not help but bake some Molten Chocolate Cakes for the trip (of course, by the time I ate one, the chocolate was hard again, but just as delicious). Always in need of some comfy food to travel, no?

A bientôt !

Posted in Food & Travel


  1. nonnnn!! tu es en France??? mais c’est pas vrai! oh que j’aimerais avoir le temps d’essayer de te voir, hélas, c’est une période où je ne touche pas terre… si jamais tu passes par Lyon…

  2. What a beautiful photograph Bea – makes me miss the cherryblossom my grandad planted in my parents’ garden when I was a little kid. Happy belated birthday and have a lovely time in France. Your previous post made me laugh – as a Belgian living in London (for almost 6 years now) it all sounded very familiar…

  3. I always bring my food when flying somewhere – even (or especially) the sandwiches on short distance flights are appalling. Have a nice time en France!

  4. the airplane food everywhere in the world is~~~~~~^^

    i want to hear more about your adventures too~ have a good time bea~~

  5. This is beautiful! I love flowers! That’s such a girl thing isn’t it? Although I’ve never had problems with airplane meals, yours sound much more delicious! Enjoy your trip Bea!

  6. Ah ah I can imagine how the other passengers jealously looked at (almost glared) your culinary treasures when eating their usual airplace food!
    P.S. for the long-distance travellers: when buying your flight tickets, if you have the choice, take the koscher meals, they are always (a little) better…
    Bon séjour en France Béa.

  7. Enjoy your trip; what an evocative, gorgeous photograph to start! It sounds like you were well-prepared for the journey. Hope the trip is just as delicious.

  8. Even if it’s raining I’m sure you will find a way to turn it into a wonderful trip (with wonderful pics). I am sure your food was the envy of every passenger around you!

  9. Your lunch is the kind I try to take on with me! I’m always amazed at all the people with the McDonalds, that blows my mind.
    Happy trails, can’t wait for the tales!

  10. Wonderful idea to pack a lunch for a plane trip but I always marvel at people who have the time to do it! It’s all I can do to pack my bag and get out the door in time….

  11. Par curiosité, comment fais-tu avec les nouvelles réglementations de sécurité aérienne pour emporter de la nourriture avec toi ???

    With the new airlines safety regulations, I am impressed you managed to take food with you !?

  12. So glad to embark on more travels with Bea! Glad I wasn’t the one sitting next to you stuck with airplane food when you rolled out that scrumptious sounding lunch!

    I have gotten way behind on my blog reading of late, so a belated happy birthday to you!

  13. Kat, thank you. I will be hoping to post more indeed on this trip! 🙂

    Ptinfrance, I am sure!!!

    Alhya, ne t’en fais pas Alhya, il y aura d’autres occasions ! Et bon courage, en peserant que tu toucheras terre bientott !

    Inne, I know what you mean; I remember when my parents had to cut down a cherry blooming tre too because the roots were going under the house and daamging it too, we were so sad as it was so beautiful every year;

    Ninisharp, I will !

    Valerie, merci bie.

    Chantal, cela aurait ete avec grand plaisir, merci pour moi aussi, mais je ne serai malheureusement pas sur Bordeaux, j’espere une prochaine fois.

    Mercotte, Sophie, Fabienne et Gracianne, merci a toutes. Mon programme, je suis en Lorraine jusqu’au 15, date a laquelle je monte sur Paris. Je repars le 18. Si on peut se voir, tant mieux, j’en serais ravie, sinon une prochaine fois.

    Honey Bee, good for you tyoo. And thank you.

    Yoyo, Evinrude, thank you. Airlines are better than others. I still remember Cathay Pacific ten years ago and they were amazing. Air France can also be nice, it depends. But I always bring emergency food, ahahh.

    Therese, thanks for the tip, I will have to remember that, this is a good one!

    Tara, thank you. I prepared quickly, always easier when I go to visit family, more relaxing, especially in the country side, which I love so much!

    Anita,thank you. I will tr! 🙂

    Stephanie, you are funny!

    Tanna, thank you, I cannot wait to be on the trails too. Already had a run this am in the fields, my territory 🙂

    Virginie, oh la nourriture n’est pas un probleme; l’eau non plus d’ailleurs. Il suffit de remplir sa bouteille apres la securite, a une fontaine.

    Gattina, sweet. Thank you!

    Christine, thank you for your sweet note and wishes. I am off to explore now.

  14. Bon séjour en Moselle. Si tu avais un peu de temps, nous pourrions faire un restau, une virée..;bref, un truc sympa ;o)

  15. Coco, merci. Je suis la jusqu’a lundi. Ca me ferait plaisir d’essayer! Je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps de libre mais si on arrive a se bloquer un moment toutes les deux, ca me ferait plaisir!

  16. Béa :
    ( désolée, pas le temps de te répondre, je bossais aujourd’hui.)

    lundi midi ??? sur Metz ou vers Thionville ?

    Si cela peut aller, réponds moi sur mon mail

    Je suis désolée, le beau temps n’est plus celui d’avril ;o) mais notre belle région est toujours très belle n’est ce pas ?

    Allez, j’espère que cela ira pour lundi. Je te souhaite une bonne fin de week end.
