Easy Sweet Gratin, for a Change — Un gratin sucré facile, pour changer

Gratin aux fruits rouges

La gourmandise est un vilain défaut.

What a joke! Who really believes this? Gourmandise? A bad habit? Why would we be punished if we fall for sweet delicacies, delicious desserts that make you travel back to your mum’s table, when she would treat you with tasty simple fruit gratins, the very ones that I now miss so much. Besides, it always tastes much better when she was making them for me! In truth, food always tastes much nicer when someone else cooks it for me.

I acknowledge, however, that maybe it is bad to be gourmand to the point that you might contemplate stealing your neighbor’s plate — and I have seen and experienced this with old boyfriends that made me want to forget about them. La gourmandise should have its boundaries to remain acceptable, but desserts such as fruit gratins leave no room for us to feel any ounce of guilty. After all, fruit cannot harm anyone.

I love the simplicity of this dessert as much as its composition. Whenever short of ideas for dessert, beside the simple piece of fruit or yogurt that we would often have, my mother used to frequently prepare fruit gratins like this one. Because literally, it takes two minutes to put together, four to be completed before you can eat it. It does not get simpler than that. I realized that since I spend most of my reading time looking for cooking material with original and creative ideas, I am ignoring amazingly satisfying dishes that I know I should not forget about. Simple is good! Last night, P. and I had a taste for a light dinner. This dessert was exactly what we needed. The satisfaction of having un dessert, no fuss, light and easy.

Simple Mixed Berries Gratin

(For 4 people)

You need:

  • 14 oz mixed berries such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
  • 2 oz de fine cane sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 4 Tbsp heavy cream
  • 1 tsp ground cardamom


  • Wash the fruit and divide it between four greased ramekins.
  • Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until pale in color.
  • Add the cardamom and cream. Mix well and pour the cream over the fruit.
  • Place under the broil for 4 to 5 mns. Keep an eye on it as it can get darker quickly.
  • Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar and serve.

Le coin français

Gratin aux fruits rouges facile

(Pour 4 personnes)

Ingrédients :

  • 400 g de fruits rouges assortis, tels que des framboises, mûres et myrtilles
  • 50 g de sucre fin
  • 2 jaunes d’oeuf
  • 4 càs de crème liquide
  • 1 càc de cardamome en poudre

Étapes :

  • Lavez les fruits et répartissez-les dans des ramequins beurrés.
  • Fouettez les jaunes d’oeuf avec le sucre jusqu’à ce que le mélange blanchisse.
  • Ajoutez la cardamome en poudre et la crème. Mélangez bien et répartissez cette crème sur les fruits.
  • Passez sous le gril pendant 4 à 5 mns. Surveillez car cela brunit vite.
  • Saupoudrez de sucre glace et dégustez.
Posted in Dessert, French Inspired, Fruit


  1. What a delicious, simple and easy way to make use of our current berry season! I’ll have to try this on the weekend!

  2. This simple dessert sounds wonderful! Will have to try it when berry season comes around here.

  3. oups il y a eu du change de look….
    et puis ce gratin fruits rouges cardomome (mon amour!!!) je vais me deguiser en petite cuillere rouge et plonger dedans…;bises

  4. Tien tien, y a du nouveau dans la mise en page 😉 Cela a l’air divin, un immense bravo !!! Petite question technique à une connaisseuse: tu as quoi comme appareil photo…je recherche et je vais acheter alors je me renseigne 😉


  5. what a perfect dessert for a hot Australian summer. Berry good Bea!

  6. Simple dishes are really sometimes the best ones…something oft forgotten nowadays…this sounds like just the right mix of simple-homey and luscious 🙂 We don’t get berries much around here but I’d love to try this with some of our tropical fruits…like mangoes…mmmm

  7. Bea – What gorgeous color! And it’s naturally gluten-free. Yay. I am bookmarking this recipe – will try it soon. Thank you – and have a fabulous, delicious 2007!

  8. Tiens, tiens tiens…Il ya eu du changement sur ce blog ! La nouvelle bannière aux tons acidulée me plaît et j’apprécie la nouvelle colonne de droite qui facilite bien la navigation, c’est parfait !

    Quant à la recette et les photos qui l’accompagnent, que dire sinon “hmmm” !

    Amicalement blog,

  9. C’est vrai! ça a changé! j’ai cru que je m’étais trompée, mais bien sur que non! tes photos m’ont toute suite rassurée, et c’ets très joli! et ce gratin…

  10. non la gourmandise est un joli défaut sauf quand la balance fait : “oups, je crois que tu as un peu grossi !”. J’aime beaucoup le nouveau graphisme de ton blog. Bonne oirée.

  11. What a delightful dessert!! Just like you, I love the simplicity of it. But the high fat content of the heavy cream is putting me off. lolz…

  12. Is that it? so simple?! Genuine in flavor!
    And love the new header, it’s so “Bea” 😀 so beauitful!

  13. j’adore la cardamome, elle apporte une saveur très particulière aux crèmes… avec les fruits rouges, ce doit être un pur délice!

  14. I keep finding myself in front of the berry section of my grocery, tranfixed by their beauty. Yours may be a simple recioe, but with those berries, simple is the best, I think.

  15. Thanks Ellie. You will see it is super fast and delicious!

    Kat, yes I was a bad girl. Actually, I buy berries a lot, even in winter. 😉

    ahah, pas mal comme idée!

    Mercotte, rien, tu as raison. Tout y est.

    Patricia, yes good point! But I can tell you, I always steal some while making them.

    Mayacook, oui!

    Connie, thanks. I forgot where I got the spoons. Somewhere online. Maybe they are on stylefeeder, I will have to check.

    Choupette, oui c’est vrai, c’est parfumé.

    Lorette, merci bien.

    Brilynn, thanks, you are too nice.

    Claude-Olivier, Eh oui, ca fait du bien de relooker de temps à autre. Merci! Mon appareil est un canon 30D. Bonne chance pour ton nouvel achat, c’est génial.

    Tanna, good good! 😉

    Valentina, thank you!

    Jennie, ah yes, yes! I hope you like it. And I cannot wait to feel this warmth 😉 soon!

    Joey, oh that is too bad! You know, you can also do this with frozen berries.

    Karina, thank you my dear. Happy New Year to you too!

    Nicole, thank you! I am glad you like the relook!

    Jeff, no, I like it this way! 😉

    Yazmena, yes I did 😉 Glad you like it!

    Ingrid, je suis ravie que cela te plaise. A bientôt!

    Fabienne, oui, tout justement.

    Alhya, ahah, tu as besoin d’une orientation? 😉

    Sophie, merci. Je suis ravie que ca te plaise. Et puis, la balance, il faut la cacher 😉

    Inoule, merci!

    Peabody, thanks again, once more.

    Jacelyn, ahah , right. I can come and see the desserts on your blog ;-). I am sure I will find some cream as well 😉

    Gracianne, ah oui, je n’y ai pas résisté. J’avoue que j;achète des fruits rouges toute l’année, bad me!

    Gattina, thank Gattina 😉 Sweet!

    Lydia, thank you. I am glad you like it.

    Chantal, il ne faut pas résiter !

    Sooishi, merci. Je suis contente que cela te plaise. J’y ai mis le temps, mais ca y est, pas encore parfait, mais on y arrivera.

    Peggy, 😉

    Sher, you know what? I think you summarized it so well. To keep them simple yet to dress them up a little. Thank you, once more!

  16. Where in heavens are you finding berries that looks that summery NOW? The heavens, for sure! Very pretty, Bea … if it were summer, I’d be moving to the kitchen to wash the heat the oven and wash the berries …

  17. J’admire vos photos, vos recettes ! c’est un vrai plaisir de venir sur votre blog ! (surtout quand je découvre plein de nouveaux billets !)

  18. Congrat’s Bea…this post is linked from the Food and Wine Website. You are a rising star in the Culinary World!

  19. Pingback: Columbus Foodie » Blog Archive » Friday Roundup 1/26/07

  20. Just to thank you for this great recipe. I made it a couple of night’s ago with raspberries I had in the fridge and blackberries from the local hedgerows. The cardamon is a great addition and really compliments the flavour of the berries!

  21. Pingback: Un gratin sucré à la pistache avec plein de framboises | 1001 façons

  22. Pingback: Un gratin sucré à la pistache avec plein de framboises | 1001 façons