I have some more news to share. Yes I know, again!
Number 1: Another good moment, I know, I must be under a very good start for the beginning of 2007. Please make it last! It is too nice to be true, so I think something really bad must be awaiting me somewhere!
The DMBLG results were just released by Matt who hosted the December 2006 Event and I found out that the photo above won the Aesthetics Award, along with Nicole’s and Riana’s gorgeous pictures. What a treat! In view of the quality of the entries, it must have been really hard for the judges. Je tire mon chapeau !
Please make sure to check the other winners: it did not come as a surprise to see Ilva’s picture chosen for Edibility Award when you see these nuts jump out of the picture, or to see Jennifer won Originality Award with her picture. But then, wait, it is not over. The cherry on top of the cake: I was delighted to find out about the Overall Winner picture, as it was my favorite of this month! Check out Jules amazing stuffed squids.
A big thank you to the numerous judges, Lara, Bron, Céline, Anthony for their time and votes, to Matt for hosting, judging and organizing. The other fabulous Matt, from Matt Bites, nicely allows us to use this badge. So I will post it on my blog!
MERCI ! Thank you all, I will never say this enough.
Number 2: And on another note, since it seems to be this time in the season, the Bloggies 2007 is open for nomination. I hope to discover plenty of fabulous blogs, maybe time for me to read other things than food-related matters, non?
Bloggies 2007, what is this?
The Weblog Awards are a non-profit project to award the best blogs. This is the place where you can nominate your favorite blogs, not only food blogs, but from all genres, types and locations! You have until Wednesday, January 10th 2007, 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) to do so. The nomination form can be found here.
En français
Numéro 1 : Une nouvelle bien agréable. La photo qui débute ce billet a gagné la récompense pour Esthétisme dans le DMBLG, édition décembre 2006. Un grand merci à tous les juges. Il faut absolument aller voir toutes les autres photos et récompenses, comme par exemple la photo gagnante toutes catégories. Superbe !
Numéro 2 : Et sur un autre sujet, il semble que c’est la saison, les nominations pour les Bloggies 2007 ont désormais commencé.
Bloggies 2007, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Weblog Awards est une association caritative qui récompense les meilleurs weblogs. Vous pouvez nominer vos weblogs préférés, pas uniquement dans la catégorie culinaire, mais tous types et genres confondus. Vous avez jusqu’au mercredi 10 janvier 2007, 10 heures heure de la côte est américaine pour le faire. Et le formulaire à remplir se trouve ici. J’ai hâte de découvrir plein de nouveaux blogs fabuleux. Il est peut-être temps de lire un peu autre chose que tout ce qui touche à la bonne bouffe, non ?
Congratulations on the award, Bea – that pumpkin soup (soup pumpkin:) looks very inviting!
le ciel est peut-etre plein de bonnes etoiles mais ton blog est surement plein de talent.. tu n’as que ce que tu mérites, bea!
parce que la poussiere d’etoiles reconnat toujours le talent (oups je deviens poete heureusement pas tous les jours…) ce n’est que juste recompense
bises bises
Felicitations!Je trouve tes photos superbes,raffinées,délicates,et gourmandes…
Congratulations! I love that photo!
All of the accolades coming your way are richly deserved. Your blog is truly one of the most beautiful!
Bea, congratulations on the well-earned DMBLGIT award! Your photography and blog are an inspiration to so many of us!
Great job as always. I love the sprig coming out of the soup!
Congratulations Bea!
congrats on your award bea. loved the greens in your shot. and thanks for the link
Thank you Bea for the mention of all the winners! It is all most exciting!!
– Chubbypanda
Excellent Béa! Congratulations!
Ce n’est pas surprenant et ca doit te faire tellement plaisir! Que l’annee continue sur cette belle lancee.
Félicitations! C’est amplement justifié!
Bea, your delicious chocolate cake hypnotized me – I hadn’t seen this post! 😀
Congratulations! You are so talented and it’s great to know you’re being recognized for that!