My mum used to make vegetable soups often. Not necessarily the fancy difficult ones, but the good-for-your-health kind of soups, full of nutrients and vitamins. “Mange ta soupe, ça fait grandir”, she used to tell my brother B. and me (eat your soup, you will grow taller). Vraiment ? (Really?) When I told P. about this dialogue between my mum and us, he laughed. But in fact, I cannot believe that if he and I ever have children, I might possibly say the exact same thing to nos enfants. Where do parents get this idea that you are going to grow taller if you eat your soup? It surely worked for me as I extend my five feet nine inch height up to the sky. Cela fonctionne bien !
For many, soups are an art in itself, where every ingredient is carefully thought and chosen. These soups are great to try and experiment with as seeing what will happen once everything is assembled in the final complex broth remains a surprise. Asian soups remain amongst my favorites, maybe because they are also more exotic. For us at home however, soups used to be far more simple, with whatever-vegetable-leftovers-there-are in the fridge (Rowena might like this part). If we did not know what else to eat, there was nothing that could beat a homemade vegetable soup. This recipe is an adapted version of the many soups my mum taught me to make, her most common one being une soupe de poireau/carotte/pomme de terre (leek/carrot/potatoe soup). Creamy but not too much, comforting for sure, full of vitamins, ready to boost our immune system for the winter. And we don’t want to get that nasty runny nose or that awful virus lurking at the corner get a hold of us, do we?
While studying at University, these soups were just a blessing! Since I was living alone in an aparment — worth saying that I was only seventeen –, I had no choice but to cook for myself. So I learned quickly, and my mum’s soups were part of what I prepared often. Easy to make, even better the next day, keeping me well-fed for a few meals. I needed this kind of food to stay sane! I might no longer be a student — merci bien ! –, but soups continue to keep me healthy when comes winter and colder days. Forget about the store-bought soups!
You need:
- 1.5 lb squash, diced roughly, without seeds
- 1 zucchini (5 oz), diced roughly
- 1 leek, chopped
- 1 shallot, chopped finely
- Twigs of thyme
- 2 + 1/8 cups (17 fluid oz) homemade vegetable broth (see recipe here, or bought), or water
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Crème fraîche
- Chop the shallot finely.
- Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in a thick-bottomed pot and cook the shallot for a few minutes before adding the chopped leek.
- Continue to cook for a few mns and then add the diced zucchini and squash. Cook for a few extra mns.
- Pour the warm vegetable broth. Add twigs of thyme, cover and bring to a small boil. Simmer for 20 mns or so, until the vegetables are tender.
- Mix them with a hand-held mixer (think of removing the thyme). Season with salt and pepper and add a dash of crème fraîche. Serve hot, in mini squashes if you like.
Note: This soup is rather thick in texture. If you prefer it more liquidy, add more broth or water. If you use water, you need to season the soup more.
Ingrédients :
- 700 g de potiron, détaillé en gros cubes, sans pépins
- 1 courgette (150 g), détaillée en gros cubes
- 1 poireau, émincé
- 1 échalote, hachée finement
- Brins de thym
- 500 ml de bouillon de légumes maison (recette ici, ou acheté), ou de l’eau
- Huile d’olive
- Sel et poivre
- Crème fraîche
Étapes :
- Hachez l’échalote finement.
- Faites chauffer 2 càs d’huile d’olive dans une cocotte et faites-y revenir l’échalote pendant quelques minutes avant d’ajouter le poireau.
- Poursuivez la cuisson pendant quelques minutes et ajoutez ensuite la courgette et le potiron. Poursuivez encore pendant quelques minutes.
- Versez le bouillon de légumes chaud. Ajoutez les brins de thym et couvrez, en ramenant à ébullition. Faites mijoter pendant environ 20 mns, jusqu’à ce que les légumes soient tendres.
- Mixez les légumes avec un mixeur plongeur (pensez à enlever le thym). Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre et ajoutez un soupçon de crème. Dégustez chaud, et servez dans des mini-citrouilles, si vous le souhaitez.
Remarque : la texture de cette soupe est plutot epaisse. Si vous l’aimez plus liquide, ajoutez plus de bouillon ou plus d’eau. Si vous utilisez de l’eau, il sera sans doute nécessaire de plus l’assaisonner.
Nothing more comforting than soup! Yours sounds so good and healthy!
Trés trés beau et tout à fait de saison, je note!!!
Moi, c’était pire… Soi-disant que la soupe faisait grossir les seins!!!
C’est comme ca que je la prefere la soupe, un peu puree avec de la creme fraiche. Poireaux-carottes-pomme de terre, j’avais prevu ca ce soir, les enfants aiment plutot bien, si je leur propose un oeuf a la coque apres. Mais c’est vraiment bien plus chic servi dans ton genre d’assiette.
superbe ta petite soupiere tres beau
Ha! My mother would tell my sibilngs and I that if we DIDN’T eat our soup, television priveleges would be taken away…or worse!
i love how the thyme appears to be growing out of the soup. like a little pumpkin planter
c’est delicieuse, autant la soupe que la soupiere…
What a wonderful soup! I’d best take advantage of these cold Spring nights and give this a try before it gets too hot here in Australia!
What beautifully presented soup Bea. I just love how you style things!
My mother makes the best soups. Your soup sounds delicious and your pictures are beautiful.
looks yum. i need to make pumpkin soup before all the pumkins are out of season
There is nothing like hot soups on cold evenings. This one sounds just lovely, and has me reminiscing about soups I have loved. How about minestrone with pasta and beans. Or spicy lentil with carrots and sherry. Or hot pumpkin soup with toasted pumpkin seeds. Or jerusalem artichoke soup with potatoes and leeks. Or garlic broth with crispy tortillas. I came back from Italy determined to lose the weight I just picked up and your post has my stomach rumbling for lunch already. Well done!
This soup sounds so yummy. It also looks wonderful served in your little pumpkin “bowl.”
I love the stories you tell that are part of each recipe. It’s like reading a great book. The pictures are wonderful–and this is just in time for Thanksgiving. A great way to serve soup.
Works for my magpie! And you know- she had soup last night! Doc says she will be 5.4 – 5.6-
guess that means i DID not take my soup!
Beautiful fall dish…love the presentation!
Hi Bea,
I love the potato and celery root combination. I’ll have to try your gratin.
Quelle magnifique soupière !!! Et tes photos me font toujours aussi rêver !
I love all the inspirations for your recipes. The presentation on this is delightful!
Beautiful as always Bea, just perfect for our drizzly day here today.
It’s funny, I just told my husband last weekend that my mom used to tell me my eyes would turn green (like my dad’s) if I ate my veggies… Now I have a 5-month-old and I tell him to eat so he can be strong like his daddy.
Beautiful Site! I added your link to my blog.
I love all things squash, so this is perfect for me!
épaisse mais moelleuse grâce au potiron et puis la petite touche de crème, j’adopte
J’ai également découvert le bonheur de faire sa soupe maison étudiante, au départ pour économiser trois ronds et après pour me rendre compte que définitivement, je ne pourrais jamais plus manger de la soupe en brick!
no soup bowl is more intrique than this little sqash bowl! Splendid presentation Bea!
The scene shown in your photo is just breath-taking, I’d like, it’s the heaven on earth!
this is one of my all time favorites…wonderful picture!
That picture is adorable! I love that you served the soup in the squash.
I love the colours! Gorgeous as usual Bea and so inspiring! I’ve been meaning to make soup but never got round to it.
Thank you all for all of your comments!
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The pumpkin carving is so creative! the Vegetable Soup looks delicious by the way!
For some reason, I initially read to keep the seeds, and I’ve done this recipe 3 or 4 times with the seeds included, and they easily mixed in with the hand mixer. The result was wonderful, I’m not sure I can do it without the seeds now!
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