Just Imagine How Thirsty They Are!
I am off to visit my family next week, but this time as a surprise. I am just lucky — or not, it all depends the point of view — that neither of my parents speaks or reads English, so there is no chance that they know I am coming! My dad is indeed celebrating his 66th birthday and I just cannot miss that. I simply hope that I won’t find porte de bois (literally a wooden door, meaning “no one is at home”). They better be at home!
First, I will see this:
Monsieur Rocanière‘s lovely goats, in my home village.
A few days spent in the countryside to refill in all sorts of goodies, including visiting all the cute cows, sheep and goats lazily grazing in the fields.
And then I will see that too:
View of la capitale
For two short days where I am going to enjoy walking les rues de Paris (Paris’ streets), hopefully with nice clear weather. Il ne pleut pas, n’est-ce pas ? (It is not raining, is it?)
I look forward to this short yet rewarding aventure en France, between la province and Paris, two contrasting worlds that I love for different reasons.
Alors à bientôt, and if you are in Paris, let me know, who knows, maybe we can meet if time allows, most likely on Oct 11th!
Note: I ended up deciding to cook my tomato risotto for my Italian friend S. who added “You passed the risotto test”. None was left, which is a good sign, especially from someone whose father grows Carnaroli risotto rice back in Italy!
Passe un bon moement en famille, et Sois la Bienvenue à Paris
Have a wonderful time, Bea!
Bonnes vacances Béa profite bien de ta famille !
Bon séjour en France !
Profite-bien de ton papa et de Paris !
bonnes vacances!
If you come to Lyon or anywhere nearby please let me know, Bea! I would love to meet you.
bon retour à la maison!!! profites en bien!! et j’ai hate de te relire à ton retour!
Bon voyage surprise alors! Et prends quand même un parapluie…
Bravo pour le test du risotto!
Bon voyage! Have a wonderful trip and celebration. Enjoy!
How wonderful!! The pictures of the cows and the sheep are simply magical. Could anything be more beautiful? (Not to me.) I think this will be so rewarding for you–and your father. Have a great time.
hey, have a great trip bea!
Bon voyage! I hope your parents love the surprise! It will definitely be risotto season by the time you return…..
May they be home and the food marvelous!
I don’t know if you’ve got the time (or budget) for a 3-star meal, but I’m cooking at Guy Savoy in the 17th. I would love to meet you in person. Coup de champagne on me…
Bisous and safe trip,
Ms. Glaze
Bon voyage, my dear Béa!
You cannot pass up Ms. Glaze invite!
Have a grand holiday and wish your Papa the best!
What’s a bit of rain, when you’re in Paris? C’est normal non?
Bonne Voyage Bea 🙂
Enjoy your trip, Bea! You’re such a good daughter;) I’ve flown back home for my grandmothers’ birthdays, and they’ve always really enjoyed the ‘present’:)
Hope your dad have a wonderful birthday! And enjoy your visit!
Profite bien de Paris, il fait bon en ce moment et se promener à paris est un vraie aubaine. et joyeux anniversaires à ton papa.
Oh Bea, wow. How jealous I am of your travels! I wish I could do it too but I am so bust writing my blog. Sometimes I take a day to write one page and I still make grammatical mistakes. I just don’t get the difference between “I and me” sometimes, so I always use “I” even when I say “it is good for R and I to be together”. I suspect it should be “me” but I am afraid to use it! Your writing is just soooo wonderful.
Enjoy your trip!
Bonne vacances en France. Et si tu veux faire 30 km pour venir faire un coucou à la maison……ou pour déjeuner sur Metz ;o) N’ hésites pas
I hope you have lovely weather, and enjoy seeing your family! Glad the risotto was a success.
Have a great trip.
bienvenue Bea,
je ne serai pas à Paris l’11 octobre, mais dis-moi combien de jours tu sera dans la ville, j’aimerais beacoup qu’on puisse se rencontrer
bon voyage
j’ai oublié une petite chose:
pour ton père il sera un souvenir inoubliable.
l’année dernière, j’ai fait la même surprise à mon père… je revois encore son visage ému…
Have a lovely time Bea…and don’t forget to bring back some goodies to put “in the fridge!” 😉
What a cute goat!! Did you pet him/her?
Happy birthday to your dad and happy pats to Monsieur Rocanière’s lovely goats. You are from a wonderful country. I miss it!
Have a lovely trip Bea! How exciting! I love surprising and being surprised. Say ‘hi’ to the goats and cows for me 🙂
and a Happy Birthday to your Dad.
I went to Paris nearly 2 years ago and i’d like to go again soon. Beautiful city. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful time with your family!
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Bonjour, bon soir
Et bon vacances!
Happy trails !
Dan George, Bucarest, Roumanie