Another Cherry Tomato Tart — Une autre tarte aux tomates cerises

cherry tomato tart

Cherry Tomato Tart

Le repas est prêt ? J’ai faim !
— Dinner is ready? I am hungry!

It very much looks and sounds like une scène de déja vu, I acknowledge.

If you think that these days, you see many dishes starting with the letter T for Tart or Tomato around here, you might be right. In fact it is only partially true. But I have said this before and the proof is here, I like to make savory tarts. This time however, I have a good reason to present a tart that looks almost like another one you have seen around here.

I was so pleased to read that Tami from Running with Tweezers, who is hosting the fun Donna Hay Event, chose Savory Tarts as a theme. Despite the fact that I have had little time to think about what tart to make since my return, I have to participate. I like savory tarts that much! Tami asked for our favorite tart. I am not going to present my favorite one, because I just cannot decide which one I prefer best. Mission impossible ! There are just too many savory tarts that I like, whether with: du fromage (cheese), des légumes (vegetables), de la viande (meat) or du poisson (fish). Any combinations will do!

To make a savory tart, you always have the option of using different types of pastry la pâte –, from une pâte brisée (basic savory pastry), une pâte à pain (bread/pizza dough) or une pâte feuilletée (puff pastry). Each serves a different purpose, of course. I particularly have a preference for la pâte feuilletée. Only back from our trip a few days ago, I had little time to prepare for this event but then, I remembered that I had frozen puff pastry before leaving, so the work involved in making a savory tart would be considerably shortened. Quelle chance ! (What luck!) The next step was finding a topping, une garniture. Admitting that soon, we will not be able to enjoy tomatoes as tasty as the ones we still can see at the market, I decided to make a topping using des tomates cerises (Cherry tomatoes). Initially, my inspiration derived from a recipe once seen in an old copy of Elle à table. I worked with it to make my own, and cooked and ate the tart you are about to see below.

La touche finale : la moutarde — Final Touch: Mustard

In my family, on adore la moutarde ! We have always been big mustard eaters. Mais la moutarde de Dijon, bien sûr ! Where else? In France, Dijon is the reference city for mustard-making. I do not know whether it is a food habit more common in France than in the US for example, but P. tells me that his mustard-eating consumption increased living with me. Quel rapport ? What is the point? In my tomato tart, the taste is subtely enhanced by a gentle addition of moutarde à l’ancienne, Old-fashioned Mustard. Last May, while spending a few days in Paris, I visited the Maille Store where I bought a lot of unusual flavored jars of mustard such as gingembre confit et orange (Candied Ginger and Orange), cassis (Black currant), au jus de fruits rouges (Red Berries Juice), pamplemousse et poivre vert (Grapefruit and Green Pepper), along with a jar of moutarde à l’ancienne.

Maille Store in Paris
6, place de la Madeleine
75008 Paris

and of course

Maille Store in Dijon
32, rue de la Liberté
21000 Dijon

I did not use the more off-the-beaten-path flavors in this tart, but thought to experiment with one of them next time.

There is always great reward to make savory tarts because they are easy to keep for a few meals, served as entrée (appetizer) or plat principal (main course), as well as finger food when cut in small pieces. I really liked the outcome of this tart, especially with the refreshing twist created by the mint, pines nuts and olives on top, and highly recommend that you give it a try. Les tartes salées, c’est bon ! (Savory tarts are good!)

PS: Tami will post the round-up all of the savory tart entries on her blog on September 22nd, and for a week, you will be able to vote for the tart you prefer.

Cherry Tomato Tart

(For a 14 x 4.5″ rectangular mold, serve 4 small portions)

You need:

  • About 9 oz puff pastry
  • 14 oz cherry tomatoes
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon mustard à l’ancienne
  • 3.5 oz fresh goat cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon chopped sage leaves
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley leaves
  • 1 tablespoon chopped mint leaves
  • A few black olives
  • 1 teaspoon fine sugar
  • 1 tablespoon pine nuts


  • Roll the dough and place it in the mold. Make holes with a fork and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  • Preheat your oven at 420 F and precook your tart for 10 minutes. Remove and let cool slightly.
  • Slice your tomatoes in halves.
  • Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a non-stick frying pan and when hot, add the tomatoes and cook on high heat for 2 minutes.
  • Then add the chopped garlic and sugar, and cook for 2 extra minutes, tossing them. Remove and set aside.
  • Mix together the egg and the goat cheese. Work to get a homogeneous consistency.
  • Add the chopped parsley and sage. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Turn down the oven temperature to 350 F.
  • Spread the mustard on top of the tart and then spread the egg/cheese mixture over.
  • Arrange the tomatoes on top and cook the tart in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • Remove and let cool before adding the sliced olives and the chopped mint.
  • Dry roast the pine nuts and sprinkle them on top. Eat the tart hot or warm.

Le coin français
Tarte aux tomates cerises

(Pour un moule rectangulaire mesurant 35 x 11 cm, pour 4 petites portions)

Ingrédients :

  • 250 g de pâte feuilletée
  • 400 g de tomates cerises
  • 3 gousses d’ail
  • 2 càs d’huile d’olive
  • 1 càs de moutarde à l’ancienne
  • 100 g de fromage de chèvre frais (Petit Billy)
  • 1 oeuf
  • 1 càs de sauge, hachée
  • 1 càs de persil, haché
  • 1 càs de menthe, hachée
  • Quelques olives noires
  • 1 càc de sucre fin
  • 1 càs de pignons de pin

Étapes :

  • Étalez votre pâte et mettez-la dans le moule rectangulaire. Piquez la pâte avec une fourchette et mettez le moule au frigidaire pendant 30 minutes.
  • Préchauffez votre four à 210 C et précuisez la tarte pendant 10 minutes. Retirez-la du four et laissez-la refroidir.
  • Coupez vos tomates en deux.
  • Faites chauffer 2 càs d’huile d’olive dans une poêle anti-adhésive et une fois chaude, ajoutez les tomates. Cuisez-les pendant 2 mns en les remuant de temps à autre.
  • Ajoutez ensuite l’ail émincé, le sucre, et poursuivez la cuisson pendant deux autres minutes. Retirez les tomates du feu et mettez-les de côté.
  • Mélangez l’oeuf battu avec le fromage de chèvre. Travaillez le mélange pour qu’il soit homogène.
  • Ajoutez-y le persil et la sauge hachés. Asaisonnez de sel et de poivre.
  • Baissez la température du four à 180 C.
  • Étalez la moutarde sur la tarte et continuez avec une couche de la crème oeuf/fromage de chèvre. Répartissez bien.
  • Arrangez les tomates sur la tarte et cuisez-la pendant 30 mns au four.
  • Retirez la tarte et laissez-la légèrement refroidir avant d’ajouter les olives coupées en tranches dines et la menthe ciselée.
  • Faites dorer les pignons de pin à sec pendant quelques minutes (attention, ils dorent vite) et répartissez-les sur la tarte. Cette tarte se déguste chaude ou tiède, à mon goût.

Posted in Appetizers, French Inspired, Tarts, Vegetarian


  1. Bea – I just posted my own HHDD tart, but this one blows me away! You and your fabulous tomato tarts make me so hungry! And your crust is so perfect! You would make Donna Hay very happy!

  2. Oh, as always, Bea, I am stunned by your taste, craftsmanship and photography. If we only lived closer, I would beg to be your apprentice. 🙂

    In the meantime, I can only cast my vote towards your most entrancing, savoury, beautiful glance upon the simple tart…

    Of course, I have not seen every entry yet, but I am enchanted/delighted/enlivened by yours. So it goes.

  3. I love that you used cherry tomatoes especially because they are still fluorishing. Beautiful as always!

  4. Je crois que la moutarde est vraiment un des trucs dont les français de l’étranger ont du mal à se passer… Je vois que tu as fait des stocks 😉

    Très belle tarte, qui rappelle encore l’été

  5. Oh Bea! Now that you mentioned the ‘other tarts’, I’m wanting to see those with cheese, meat, fish, and of course, other types of vegetables. I adore mustard too…the colors of the untraditional ones are pretty, but I still love the old-fashioned mustard the best!

  6. Je suis comme toi j’adore les tartes, j’en fais à toutes les sauces, mais celle-ci est sublimissime ! Et quelles photos ! J’a également testé la moutarde au cassis, c’est une vraie bonne surprise. Je garde la recette, merci ;0)

  7. Avec des ingrédients simples, tu arrives à faire un plat de fête, généreux, beau…

  8. I love it when you make tarts, don’t stop because I love looking at and reading about them!
    This tart is wonderful Bea, and I agree there is nothing more simple and satisfying than a savoury tart.

  9. Oui,en plus d’éviter à la pâte de se détremper, la moutarde doit apporter cette petite note piquante très agréable…Merci pour l’idée et tes magnifiques photos Béa !

  10. Bea! how much I love this recipe of yours!!! Love it love it! But now I’m on my way to make Paz’s roasted tomatoes pie, definitely yours coming next 😀

  11. Elle est craquante cette tarte et avec toutes ces herbes mumm. J’adore la forme du moule au passage. Et superbes photos!

  12. I’ve looked at this tart several times and each time I could swear I can smell the delightful tomato scent wafting up to my nose–that’s how marvelous the pictures are. It’s one of the prettiest things I’ve seen.

  13. A lovely recipe – I’m off to cook now, but it would be much easier if you had a ‘Print’ button for printing off the recipe.

  14. Ooooh Béa, please can I swap you one of mine, for a slice or two of yours! Pretty please?!

  15. c’est tellement beau ces tartes rectangulaires, j’aime beaucoup 🙂
    Ta jolie moutarde me fait un peu penser à la “Moutarde violette” de brive…
    Je crois que je vais tester cette variante à l’occasion!

  16. Hi L, thank you (blishing!) and btw your tarts look beautiful!

    S’Kat, thanks so much for your nice note. If you ever move, any time! I bet a lot of entries will be amazing.

    Kat, thanks.

    Ivonne, thank you, once more.

    Debo, ah oui, que ferait-on sans moutarde, franchement ? C’est trop bon !

    Rowena, greedy you! Only if you make me some nice Hawaian dish!

    Merci Choupettte.

    Entre-amis, j’adorerais voir tes tartes, je suis fan!

    Lorette, merci.

    Cathy, oui vite vite.

    Lilo, merci!

    JenJen, no risk that I stop in the near future, I am addicted, and so is P. 😉

    Jeff, yes try those mustards, they are surprising!

    Christine, merci!

    Ingrid, tu as raison, la moutarde est une touche admirable.

    Gattina, I cannot wait to see your tart. On your blog yet?

    Farmgirl, thank you.

    Jacelyn, thank you.

    Helene, ah oui ce moule, sympa 😉 J’ai craque !

    Evan, ahah, sure, come along!

    Lydia, good for you. I am jealous. 😉

    Dianka, thank you my dear. I wish I could share it.

    Sher, thanks so much for your sweet note.

    Ann, good point. I have to make a note of it. Feature request! Hope you enjoyed the tart;-)

    Fabienne, thanks.

    Peabody, thank to you too.

    Bron, totally ready for the swap. Please!

    Ooishigal, oui, moi aussi je suis fan de cette forme. Je ne connais pas la Moutarde violette de Brive. C’est quoi le gout ?

  17. Bea you have inspired me after all these beautiful tart posts! I made a cherry tomato tart for dinner [with some leftovers for tomorrow! yum!] and while it was not as pretty looking as yours, it was very tasty and I’m determined to give it another go before the tomato season is over.

    thank you for the inspiration!

  18. Oh Connie, I am delighted. Definitely do so. Those tarts taste so nice when the tomatoes are in season. I wish I could have tomatoes from my garden! But I do not have a garden 😉 Or not yet!

  19. J’adore tes tartes salees Bea, celle-ci tout autant que les autres, continue! Tu sais que je travaille a deux pas de la boutique Maille de la Madeleine, tu me donnes tres envie la!

  20. bonjour, cela faisait quelques temps que je lisais votre blog qui est merveilleusement bien fait, a vrai dire je salivais de gourmandise devant mon écran, en me disant que je n’arriverai jamais à réaliser une de vos recettes, et devant la tarte aux tomates cerises je me suis dit et pourquoi pas?, chose que j’ai faite et je te remercie je me suis régalée;christine

  21. Gracianne, ah ca c’est génial, veinarde 😉

    Bonjour Christine, merci de ton message ! Je suis super heureuse de savoir que tu as aimé la tarte. Je peux t’assurer, les recettes sont faciles, contrairement à ce qu’on peut croire. Alors je suis doublement contente d’entendre que la recette a été un succès ! A bientôt !

  22. merci pour cette recette délicieuse et légère très simple à réaliser (quand on voit des plats aussi beaux en photo on pense souvent que c’est dur à faire). J’ai mis de la tapenade à la place de la moutarde car je n’avais pas d’olives noires pour décorer et car je ne suis pas fan de la moutarde.
    Ce site est superbe et heureusement qu’il y a la traduction des recettes car je manque cruellement de vocabulaire culinaire en anglais (lire Harry Potter ça va mais “tbsp”, “oz” et les degrés F ça c’est coton!)

  23. I’d like to try this recipe — but I notice that the ingredients call for 1 tsp. sugar — but that nowhere in the recipe is it indicated what one actually does with it. Could you perhaps specify what to do with the sugar? Thanks!

  24. Thanks Neil, and for bringing up this point. I corrected the mistake 😉 The sugar with the tomatoes.

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  28. Pingback: Heirloom Tomato & Polenta Tart and a Giveaway! Recipe | Guilty Kitchen

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