Potato Gnocchi with Sautéed Mushrooms — Gnocchi de pomme de terre et poêlée de champignons

potato gnocchi mushroom

Potato Gnocchi with Sautéed Mushrooms

About 3 years ago, P. and I flew to the West Coast to meet two of our good kiwi friends for a 3 day hiking trip in Yosemite National Park. What does it have to do with food you will ask. Beside the trip in the mountains, we stopped in one of my favorite American cities. And there we ate gnocchi, which we still talk about.

And so….

I can still remember the best gnocchi I have ever eaten and it truly happened here in the United States. Maybe I was too little to remember them while I travelled to Italy. In short, if you happen to be living or travelling to the Bay area in the US, you need to go to:


San Francisco

What restaurant?


Although not specializing in gnocchi per se but rather featuring beautiful French Asian cuisine, this place was remembered by us all because of its gnocchi. I only had the chance to eat at Azie’s once during that short trip but everything about the meal and ambiance was fantastic – and I hope the restaurant stayed the same, just as I remembered it. We particularly enjoyed the concept of the place: sharing the dishes with the rest of the table. At Azie’s, dishes are placed in the middle of the table no matter who ordered what. Fun concept except when realizing that there might be one dish, that same one you ordered, that you really really like. Gnocchi were hard to share. They were phenomenal. Do you remember Darwin’s theory “the survival of the fittest”? My theory is “the success of the fastest”.

I am surely never going to be able to equal the gnocchi we ate at Azie’s. Yet inspired by a few recipes including one by Wolfgang Puck, I can say that I am pretty happy with the recipe I am suggesting below. But really, can we go wrong with gnocchi?


Are a kind of dumpling, Italian in origin and made with either a mixture of potato/wheat flour or semolina or maize. The lovely shape they have is given from rolling them agaisnt a fork for example. Delicate, light, smooth, melting under the tongue, gnocchi to me are amazing little creatures.

On the day I made those gnocchi – now a few weeks ago – I found amusing to realize that I was not alone. Some of my favorite food bloggers scattered around the globe, from Toronto to New Zealand, were also shaping those little dumplings. I suggest that you stop by Rob‘s and Bron ‘s fun blogs to check their superb recipes. On top, not only will you discover great food but also words to devour. We were all connected through gnocchi. Ca, c’est de la magie culinaire!

In my recipe, gnocchi are served with sautéed mushrooms and a light tomato sauce.

Tip: The key to getting lighter gnocchi is also to bake the potatoes rather than boil them. Many recipes suggest to boil the potatoes though.

Morale of the story

So I might just need to fly back to San Francisco to check on Azie’s and make sure I can still be reassured that it stays as beautiful as the first time (ok, it could be cheaper to hear it from Sam or from San Francisco’s experts). But I like to fly.

Potato Gnocchi with Sautéed Mushrooms

For the Tomato sauce:

You need:

  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large shallot
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 3 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • 6 large Roma tomatoes
  • 1/2 tsp sage leaves
  • Salt and white pepper


  • In a saucepan, heat the olive oil.
  • Saute the chopped shallot and garlic over medium heat, until softer.
  • Deglaze with the white wine and reduce until 1/4 cup remains.
  • Pour the stock and reduce by half.
  • Remove from heat and whisk in the butter.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes and chopped sage leaves.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Cool slightly and then transfer to a food processor to make it into a purée (keep it chunky).
  • Set aside if not using right away. Reheat on low heat.

For the Mushrooms:

You need:

  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 lb mixed mushrooms, cleaned, trimmed and cut in bite-size pieces
  • 1 large shallot
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tsp chopped parsley
  • Salt and pepper


  • In a skillet, heat the olive oil and over medium heat, sauté the chopped mushroom until crisp tender.
  • Add the chopped shallot and garlic and parsley and cook for 2 to 3 more mns.
  • Season with salt and pepper and set aside if not using right away. Reheat on low heat.

For the Gnocchi:

You need:

  • 2 large baking potatoes (about 600 to 700 g, 24 to 25 oz), Russet are good too .
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 to 2/3 cup flour
  • 3 Tbsp Parmesan cheese


  • Preheat the oven at 400 F.
  • Make small holes in the potatoes with a fork and let them cook for about 45 mns, or until tender (check with a fork if they are cooked by inserted the fork in the potato).
  • Take out and let cool, before scooping out the flesh.
  • Pass the potato through a ricer and cool to temperature.
  • Place on a floured surface and sprinkle with the flour and finely grated parmesan.
  • Make a hole in the middle of the potato mixture and break an egg lightly beaten.
  • Season with salt and pepper and stir the preparation, from outside inside where the egg is.
  • Mix until you get a ball, but do not overwork the dough. The dough should not be too wet. If you need more flour, add some but always tiny amounts at a time. Too much flour is going to give you heavy gnocchi.
  • Divide the ball into 6 small ones and on a lightly floured surface, roll each small ball into a long rope (1 inch wide).
  • Cut small portions (about 2/3 inch long).
  • Use a fork and roll each gnocchi in it to give them a nice shape.

  • If not using them right away, you can place them covered on a piece of floured parchemnt paper.
  • To cook them, boil some salted water and cook for 1 to 2 mns when the water is boiling. They are cooked when they rise to the water surface.

Dress the gnocchi on a plate with the sauce and the mushrooms. Sprinkle with additional thinly slices pieces of parmesan and fresh sage leaves.

Le coin francais

Gnocchi de pomme de terre et poêlée de champignons

Pour la sauce tomate

Ingredients :

  • 2 càs d’huile d’olive fruitée
  • 1 grosse échalotte
  • 4 gousses d’aïl
  • 240 ml de vin blanc sec
  • 480 ml bouillon de poule
  • 3 càs de beurre non salé
  • 6 grandes tomates Roma
  • 1/2 càc de feuilles de sauge hachées + 5-6 feuilles pour la décoration
  • Set et poivre blanc

Etapes :

  • Dans une casserole, chauffez l’huile d’olive.
  • Faites suer l’échalotte et les gousses d’aïl hachées sur feu moyen, pendant quelques minutes.
  • Déglacez avec le vin blanc et réduisez jusqu’à ce que vous n’ayez plus qu’environ 60 ml de liquide.
  • Ajoutez le bouillon et laissez réduire de moitié.
  • Hors du feu, ajoutez le beurre et fouettez.
  • Ajoutez les tomates concassées et les feuilles de sauge hachées.
  • Assaisonnez avec du sel et du poivre.
  • Laissez refroidir légèrement avant de mixer le tout (gardez une consistence grossière).
  • Mettez de côté jusqu’au moment où vous l’utiliserez ,et réchauffez sur feu doux.

Pour les champignons

Ingredients :

  • 2 càs d’huile d’olive fruitée
  • 230 g de mélange de champignons nettoyés et émincés
  • 1 grosse échalotte
  • 2 gousses d’aïl
  • 2 càc de persil haché
  • Sel et poivre

Etapes :

  • Dans une poêle, chauffez l’huile et faites sauter les champignons sur feu moyen, jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient tendres.
  • Ajoutez l’échalotte, l’aïl et le persil hachés, et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 2 ou 3 mns.
  • Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre, et mettez de côté jusqu’au moment où vous servirez. Réchauffez sur feu doux.

Pour les gnocchi

Ingredients :

  • 2 grosses pommes de terre farineuses (600 à 700 g) .
  • 1 oeuf, légèrement battu
  • 70 à 90 g de farine
  • 3 càs de parmesan fraîchement râpé

Etapes :

  • Préchauffez votre four à 200 C.
  • Percez les pommes de terre avec une fourchette et mettez-les au four pendant 35 à 40 mns, ou jusqu’à ce qu’elles soient tendres (vérifiez avec une fourchette).
  • Sortez-les du four et laissez-les refroidir avant d’en prélever la chair.
  • Passez-les au presse-purée.
  • Déposez-les sur une surface farinée et saupoudrez de farine et de parmesan (commencez par 70 g de farine et ajoutez-en plus si nécessaire).
  • Faites un puits au milieu et ajoutez l’oeuf battu.
  • Assaisonnez de sel et de poivre et commencez à melanger du bout des doigts, en ramenant la farine sur l’oeuf.
  • Mélangez jusqu’à l’obtention d’une boule de pâte. Ne la travaillez pas de trop. Elle ne doit pas etre mouillée non plus. Ajoutez de la farine si nécessaire.
  • Divisez la pâte en 6 petites portions de taille égale et sur une surface farinée, étalez chaque boule pour former un boudin épais de 2 cm.
  • Coupez vos gnocchi (1,5 cm de long).
  • Utilisez une fourchette et roulez chaque gnocchi dans la fourchette pour obtenir un motif.

  • Placez les gnocchi sur une feuille de papier sulfurisé farinée et couvrez jusqu’au moment où vous souhaitez les utiliser.
  • Pour cuire les gnocchi, faites bouillir de l’eau salée dans un grand pot et cuisez les gnocchi pendant 1 à 2 mns dès la reprise de l’ébullition. Les gnocchi sont cuits lorsqu’ils remontent à la surface.

Présentez les gnocchi sur une assiette avec la sauce et les champignons. Parsemez de copeaux de parmesan supplémentaires et décorez avec une feuille de sauge.

Adapted from an original recipe by Wolfang Puck

Posted in Vegetarian


  1. C’est sûrement meilleur que les gnocchis achetés déjà faits mais combien de temps faut-il pour cette recette ?

  2. I’ve had a couple bad gnocchi making experiences in the past where they fell apart in the water, or the texture was just off–but I love to eat good gnocchi, and this post/recipe makes me want to try again.

  3. Bea,
    I love Azie! Happy to know you have been there too! P.S. I have to say your gnocchi look just as delicious as the ones there:)

  4. Moi aussi je fais mes gniocchis, et ce depuis toute petite, c’est une recette familiale!!!! Miam

  5. Bea, your gnocchi look magnificent. I love that you dressed them with mushrooms. I think mushrooms have an earthy taste and a meaty mouthfeel that make them ideal for light-as-air gnocchi. The hint of acid and sweetness from the tomatoes is also a wonderful touch.


  6. i have only had pre-packaged gnocci and not been fond of the rubbery feel they offer – i must try this now to see what i have been missing! (sans mushrooms for me, though – sorry!) 🙂 i love the photos of the fork and dough – rustic and beautiful! i feel as though i am making them right along with you! great job, always!

  7. Je ne ferai plus aucon commentaire sur tes photos (si j’y arrive !) mais une fois de plus… de suis béa-te d’admiration !

  8. bon tu me donnes ton astuce pour prendre d’aussi belles photos ?! J’y crois pas, sûrement aussi bonne cuisinière que photographe 😉

  9. Your gnocchi naturally look fantastic Bea, I especially love the photos before they have their swim, ahh making gnocchi is loads of fun!

  10. i had some amazing gnocchi when i went to melbourne a year back. and i havent stopped thinking bout it. So far i havent come across any worth mentioning where i am at

  11. Ciao!

    There is nothing like well-made gnocchi! And isn’t San Francisco the best … I just loved it there last summer. Loved it!

    Beautiful recipe, Bea!

  12. Sob… 🙁 now I’m really homesick (for Italy). It’s been AGES since I’ve had decent gnocchi!

  13. Gnocchi my absolute favourite pasta dish, if it can be classed as one. Thanks for the great instruction I might even try it one day!

  14. Très beaux gnocchis et magnifique photos! I could just eat them now, even if it’s nine o’clock (AM)!!!…

  15. If you say you are pretty happy with the recipe, I guess they must be just gorgious. Et ces photos avec la fourchette sont magiques, j’aime bien aussi le veloute de la feuille de sauge sur la premiere. Brava!

  16. Choupette, si tu es organisee, la recette prend environ 1 heure 30 je dirais. Tu peux faire les sauces quand les p.de terre cuisent. Ca vaut le coup car ca n’a rien a voir avec les gnocchi de commerce que je trouve “lourds”

    Thanks Dianka. Hope Azie is still as I remembered it!

    Fabienne, thanks!

    Tejal, maybe your dough was too wet? Also was your water boiling? These could be things to check. Good luck!

    Anita, well thanks. That is a compliment for me for sure!

    Rob, thanks a lot. I love your detailed analysis of flavours, as always!

    iachanelle, you cannot eat mushrooms?

    Framboise, tu es drole ahah. La Bea-titude alors! 😉

    Lilo, j’espere que oui. Heureusement, le gout passe d’abord!

    Bron, yes you are right, I love your word “swim”.

    Kat, thanks

    Shaz, I would be curious to know where in Melbourne!

    Ivonne, thanks my dear.

    Rowena, ah yes I can imagine. When are you going back?

    Anne, c’est bon cela, n’est-ce pas?

    Gastrochick, you are right, this is the perfect definition of gnocchi!

    Mitsuko, merci bien! 😉

    Rosa, there is not time for food we like, is there? ;_)

    Gracianne, merci bien. Oui la sauge, c’est si joli, pas vrai? C’est comme du vrai daim!

  17. gnochi are good with (clarified) butter infused with sage. know no substitute for the ricer.

  18. Yummmmm. I often order gnocchi at my local Italian, and I love mushrooms, so your recipe is very attractive!

  19. Pingback: La tartine gourmande » Blog Archive » Gnocchi poêlés et réduction de tomates à l’estragon - Sautéed Gnocchi with Tarragon Tomato Sauce

  20. Hi Béa…

    I’m maybe new to your web, along with I’m new to gnocchi. I know them, but almost-never ordered them at the restaurant, needless to say I never cook em at home. However, you’ve inspired me to try your gnocchi recipe. All thanks to your Top-Notch-photography skills! They are SUPERB!!! I love em all…

  21. Pingback: The Beets and the Gnocchi — Les betteraves et les gnocchi by La Tartine Gourmande

  22. me encanta cocinar recetas del mediterraneo,gracias por tan sencilla y sabrosa
    receta del gnocchi

  23. Pingback: Sweet Potato Gnocchi and Home Sweet Home | Sweet Potato Gnocchi and Home Sweet Home recipe | Sweet Potato Gnocchi and Home Sweet Home good food recipes

  24. I’m making these beauties. Thank you for sharing your recipes!

  25. I tried your recipe for a few friends that came over… the gnocchi just got me a date!…lol